Tesla Track Record: A Deceptive Advance Fee Fraud Car

Advance Fee Fraud (AFF), a prevalent scamming technique I have investigated for decades, preys upon individuals’ aspirations for sudden gains (usually social status). It involves soliciting money upfront with promises of extraordinary returns that are never fulfilled. In recent times, Tesla has come under scrutiny for being nothing more than an elaborate AFF scheme. This post aims to examine the nature of advance fee fraud, outline its key characteristics, and analyze the validity of allegations against Tesla.

AFF is a deceptive practice wherein perpetrators exploit victims’ desire for any kind of abrupt and simple gain, by requesting an upfront payment. Targets are enticed with promises of unusually great returns, often through investment opportunities or lucrative business ventures into “easy” gains (e.g. too good to be true).

However, once the payment is made, the fraudsters demand more money and more loyalty to people hooked on the scams, ultimately failing to deliver on their promises, which increasingly become described as “difficult”.

There are three major characteristics to look for when assessing AFF:

  1. Advance payment: of course as the name suggests, there is a requirement for payment in advance. Victims are typically lured into believing the payment is a key to cross a velvet rope for a special waiting position, necessary to unlock promised gain. Tesla has for example asked each owner to pay an additional $15K for “full self driving” capability that they claim both eliminates the need for a driver, while also warning it doesn’t eliminate the need for a driver. Or it took nearly 2 million payments for a concept car. It displayed a “survival truck” and promised delivery soon after. Instead it repeatedly fails basic safety tests for serious design flaws (panels don’t fit, brakes don’t work, suspension is flawed) and has no delivery years later. Safety inspectors have rated the latest attempts as un-drivable because so highly likely to crash and occupants highly unlikely to survive.
  2. Unbelievable promise: future visions, persuasive tactics, highlighting lucrative investment opportunities or exclusive deals that appear too good to resist. Allegations against Tesla accurately point out that the company offers grand promises without delivering. Some point out little has changed at the company since 2012, even though every year for a decade they’ve repeatedly asked for advance fees to deliver “driverless this year” without accountability.
  3. Elusiveness: as in any criminal enterprise, avoiding legal consequences takes on many faces. Tesla is legendary for hiring huge teams of lawyers to dispute common sense, gaslight and argue against any regulations at all, while grossly violating safety standards left and right. Multiple broad investigations tying up taxpayer money (SEC, OSHA, NHTSA, California Department of Fair Employment and Housing, etc) have been chasing the elusive Tesla.

Some would counter that Tesla has indeed delivered a lot of physical cars to the road.

Unfortunately, a reported high percentage of them are sent straight to the junkyard with less than 10K miles due to known design flaws. Worse, another percentage of them are involved in fatal crashes due to known design flaws, some within their first 1K miles.

Experts have described the Tesla “premium” brand as equivalent to the dangerously low-quality 1990s Kia, worth 1/20 of asking price. Is a low quality vehicle highly likely to fail, injuring occupants or worse, really delivering something of value to those believing promises for something entirely different?

Experts also point out Tesla innovation apparently stopped in 2012, both hardware and software progressing almost not at all, despite being changed constantly (churned). Owners complain on message boards their earlier cars were preferred to the newest ones, calling generation 3 nothing different from generation 1 despite Tesla demands for higher fees.

Some would counter that Tesla has indeed attracted significant investments from reputable people.

We sadly see this in AFF all the time. Intelligence, success, even at institutional scale, are no antidote to fraud. One of the reasons is lack of domain expertise or a claimed “domain shift”. The attacker targets those who understand least what is being claimed.

Tesla falsely has been emphasizing “new technology” as a domain shift when in fact it’s based on a 1997 design and a 2003 engineering effort, which are related to electric cars developed in the 1950s and popularized in the 1990s. Even its “driverless” claims are not much different from 1950s engineering discussions (promised to be delivered by 1975). But by claiming entirely “new” status, it touches a cognitive bias that turns off normal skepticism and defenses of its victims.

Already without much trouble we see Tesla has hallmarks of AFF, a fraudulent scheme that preys on individuals’ aspirations for rushed gains. While social status of owning a Tesla may have worked initially based on false promises of helping the planet, even that has worn off now as the Tesla CEO has been accused widely of environmental harms, labor abuse, extreme racism and homophobia.

Allegations have emerged linking Tesla to AFF because under careful examination of the characteristics the case becomes rather clear. Tesla’s reputation for missed delivery, lack of technological advancement since 2012 (after they copied the Mercedes W211), and over-focus on using confidence from its victims as proof of its viability, stand as evidence for the claim that it is nothing more than an AFF.

As consumers, and especially as fraud investigators, it is crucial to remain vigilant and discerning, noting such substantial evidence of fraud.

Delaware Town Wants to Sell Votes to Nonhumans

Do you have a bot army and need a place to crush human opinion? Welcome to Delaware.

Legislators have cast the change as a fix for low turnout in municipal elections and a way to attract business owners to the community.

“These are folks that have fully invested in their community with the money, with their time, with their sweat. We want them to have a voice if they choose to take it,” Seaford mayor David Genshaw told local station WRDE. Genshaw cast the deciding vote in a split City Council decision on the charter amendment in April, according to The Lever.

Think that’s bad? It gets worse.

Snyder-Hall noted that the legislation only outlaws double voting for human residents of Seaford, permitting it for out-of-town business owners. […] In 2019, it was revealed that a single property manager who controlled multiple LLCs voted 31 times in a Newark, Delaware, town referendum…

Amateur. A proper bot army would have stuffed votes into the thousands, just like early America when slaveowners claimed their “property” entitled them to more votes.

Anyone familiar with “Bleeding Kansas” knows where ballot stuffing by violent aristocrats ends up. There were about 300 registered voters in Leavenworth County, Kickapoo township, when votes there very suspiciously reached 900 to expand slavery… in the 1850s. And technically Kickapoo wasn’t supposed to have been dealing with such an important election, except Senator Douglas had stupidly repealed a 1820 ban on slavery (Missouri compromise) in 1854.

Can Delaware support dualing governments? Can it stop violent robot owners once it turns unlimited votes over to them?

More Than Half of Americans Recieve Online Hate

If you think speech is free in America, think again. Much of it introduces a huge cost, especially hate speech.

About 52% of the survey responders reported having faced online harassment, compared to 40% in the survey’s previous year.

“We’re confronted with record levels of hate across the internet, hate that too often turns into real violence and danger in our communities,” said ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt, urging tech and social media platforms to do more to tackle online hate.

The rate of harassment stood at 76% for transgender people…

Particularly bad is an extremist right wing platform.

Twitter ranks lowest in LGBTQ safety among major social media platforms

Source: Twitter

To be clear, the CEO is reknowned for personally promoting hate speech in a harm for profit scheme.

Twitter’s Elon Musk spent the first week of Pride Month promoting bigoted anti-LGBTQ rhetoric

Even worse, he removed safety protections for trans people to replace them with censorship of the term cisgender.

Shortly after taking over Twitter, Musk removed the company’s prohibition on “targeted misgendering or deadnaming of transgender individuals.” …now rather than actually having open discourse, Elon is rigging the rules to favor one side of the transgender debate. Conservatives are free to call transgender people by their “dead name” on Twitter even though that offends them. But transgender people or allies cannot call conservatives “cisgender”… because that offends them. That’s not “free speech.” That’s just ideological censorship in favor of the right.

The online hate rate of 76% should be seen as an indicator of physical safety decline, as in the past.

Before 1933, Germany was a center of LGBT+ community and culture, with several renowned organizations serving and supporting trans and gender non-conforming people. Hitler’s Nazi government, however, brutally targeted the trans community, deporting many trans people to concentration camps and wiping out vibrant community structures.

Think of the targeting like a test called “how racist is Elon Musk“. The hate groups go after the least protected first, to see if they can get away with little crimes before expanding and expanding towards violently attacking others. Transgender people are again the canary.

Before the Nazis came to power, Germany was one of the global centers of trans activism and home to a thriving subculture of people with transgender identities. You could legally change your birth-assigned sex in some German cities even before 1900. The Nazis changed this. They brutally enforced Germany’s law against “cross-dressing.”

Physical hate confrontations including physical assault five years ago already was reported at almost 60%.

Almost 60 percent of transgender Americans have avoided using public restrooms for fear of confrontation, saying they have been harassed and assaulted…

A lack of protection from these assaults has been picked up by hate groups as a green light to expand their attacks. They’ve even turned into political platforms, reminiscent of America’s extremely hateful ways of the 1850s (e.g. nativist hate slogan “America First”).

Today, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and other GOP leaders are following the Nazi playbook, substituting transgender youth for the Jews. They industriously promote hatred, fear, and physical revulsion of this small group — also barely 1 percent of the population….

…at least 20 other Republican-led states are pushing anti-trans laws, in some cases effectively barring gender-appropriate care even for adults.

Many of these laws also bar transgender people from public restrooms matching their gender identity, evoking the days of racially segregated toilets. These laws play on the false, malicious claim that transgender people pose a danger to others in restrooms — a claim for which there’s not one shred of evidence.

It’s true, the Nazi hate playbook has become so normalized by Americans they just use a hateful anti-trans flag or comment to stand in for their swastika or salute. But to be fair, the Nazis took their inspiration from hate groups in America, which is why it’s no coincidence when certain Germans fly the Confederate Battle Flag or the Betsy Ross.

American “moral indifference” is what led to Civil War, if you study President Abraham Lincoln. American “moral indifference” is what expanded and lengthened WWI and WWII, if you study war hero “Wild Bill” Donovan.

It’s long past time for the moral majority of America to snap awake and create a clear and decisive line to stop hate speech now during an information war, instead of waiting for the next phase of easily predictable violent physical conflict to manifest (e.g. Jan 6th).

The trans community represents all of us, and the unjustified excessive hate they endure in America is all of our responsibility to end.

Tesla Used as Murder Weapon in Hit-and-Run

Police say they were able to track down the two men in hiding who had used a Tesla to murder a woman.

Sheriff’s deputies responded to the intersection of Rosecrans and Dunrobin Avenues in Bellflower at 9:40 p.m. regarding a two-vehicle collision with reported multiple injuries. Deputies arrived to find a black BMW sedan that appeared to have been T-Boned in the intersection by a Tesla. At least one female in the BMW sedan was trapped and unresponsive. Firefighters from the Los Angeles County Fire Department arrived and determined the female deceased at the scene.

Source: Google StreetView