Another Tesla “Civil War” Cybertruck Destroyed Itself by Crashing Into a Toyota Corolla

Before I get to the Toyota crash, let’s recognize that all the news lately about Cybertruck design failure has centered on a very high profile towing incident, from a social media personality’s durability test.

Allegedly the Cybertruck attempt to pull unstuck another truck, instead completely ripped the back of the Tesla frame off.

Big oops. That’s not going to buff out.

I probably don’t need to say more here about the video because it generated like 5 million views in 2 days.

Yet, I just want to say this hints at how any cheap tow line quietly strapped anywhere to a Cybertruck’s frame… might instantly damage it catastrophically. Who already knew the “apocalypse-ready” road warrior could be defeated by a $50 tow strap and a gentle tug? It’s like bringing a knife to a gunfight, except the knife is made of Elon Musk white supremacist Technocracy-grade tinfoil and the gun is… well, just about anything else on wheels.

But hey, maybe the “WankPanzer” is actually a revolutionary self-disassembling vehicle. No need for a junkyard when your truck helpfully falls apart at the slightest provocation. It’s not a bug, it’s a feature that the thing can’t really be used without failure!

Remember everyone, in the race between “extreme survival” and “extreme embarrassment,” this stainless steel folly is breaking land speed records. At this rate, the only thing it has been towing is Tesla’s reputation – straight into the dumpster. But don’t worry, I’m sure there’s a software update coming to fix pesky laws of physics that break everything, even the lowly wiper, when the real world shows up.

A truck that can’t even wipe itself?

This chromed colossus is the ultimate accessory for the discerning dictator-in-training: a $100K bulletproof binky for budding Benitos.

Hear them wail: “Waaaah! The world’s so scary! Quick, Elon, swaddle me in stainless steel! I need my angular armor to fend off the diverse hordes!”

But wait, there’s more! Act now and we’ll throw in a free copy of “Mein Kampf-y Chair” – perfect for those long drives to Cyberstormtroopers rallies setup with xTwitter. Who did Nazi this coming?

Meanwhile, for the second time in just a few months, an inexpensive, simple and efficient Toyota Corolla just permanently wiped another Cybertruck off the road.

Notably I found the crash reported mainly through TikTok. Shocker, right? Turns out, folks prefer their vehicle fails without a side of racist rants and “Civil War 2.0” battle plans. While Elon’s digital hellscape echoes with calls for insurrection, TikTok’s busy showcasing his real-world engineering flop. It’s almost poetic – the “future-proof” truck crumbling on a platform he doesn’t control, while his own social media empire tumbleweeds into irrelevance. Once again proving that not all publicity is good publicity, especially when it comes with a garnish of sedition.

Why is he so weird?

Inevitable? No. Orchestrated.

Far-right American militias pose the greatest threat, and they are predominantly built from the bottom up, by mundane, practical drivers — for instance, as anti-vaccine activists become anti-government activists. There do not appear to be strong links between them and foreign organizations except among white supremacist groups, and even that is mainly online, through propaganda mechanisms…

Online propaganda mechanisms link foriegn funds to American white supremacists? No wonder Musk bought Twitter claiming he had a new “extreme speech” funding model.

Musk’s digital megaphone has been blaring civil war rhetoric for months, echoing suspiciously pro-Kremlin talking points.

They tried so HARD!

Former Russian President Medvedev Predicts U.S. Civil War & Elon Musk Becoming President In 2023

Musk’s Twitter posts seem tailor-made to sow anti-Western, anti-democratic sentiment and potentially incite domestic extremism. In April 2024, Russian military website eagerly amplified Musk’s ominous prediction:

[Dumb stuff Russia says will] cause large-scale civil wars in Western countries. American entrepreneur Elon Musk made such a rather gloomy forecast on his social network account.

The dire forecasts keep missing the mark, but Musk remains undeterred, relentlessly doubling down on his doomsday predictions while undermining public safety.

His track record with predictions is about as reliable as a Cybertruck about to tow something. Remember when he confidently promised Mars walks by 2018 or a million robotaxis by 2020? These weren’t just the musings of a man on a bender; they were projects he claimed were easily achievable under his direct control — yet they disappeared faster than tweets Musk censors when they don’t align with his views.

Musk’s continual prophecies of civil war might turn out to be as accurate as his many promises about the Cybertruck’s durability. False, yet extremely dangerous to prove for many of his followers willing to throw their lives away.

If he can’t even deliver on basic vehicle manufacturing — his supposed area of expertise — how trustworthy are his wild forecasts in fields he knows little about?

Musk’s dog whistle tries to reference 1929 as the rise of Hitler in order to incite racist violence today.

It seems the only thing Musk reliably produces is a deluge of hate speech, violent incitement, dead followers, broken promises and unfulfilled predictions… whether they involve “Mars Technocracy” (read: creating a white ethno-state like apartheid-era South Africa) or trying to inflame societal collapse (read: creating a white ethno-state like apartheid-era South Africa).

Maybe there’s a pattern here… apartheid guy is still trying to apartheid.

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