Phantom Braking and Turns: Tesla FSD 12.5 Dangerously Degraded by … Rain

Tesla repeatedly fails basic engineering tests, as it designs for happy paths and barely if ever considers real world conditions. Rain? They didn’t think about that.

The brand arrogantly claimed FSD 12.5 to be a vastly improved product over prior versions, simply and rapidly iterating a number to distract from fundamental failures and actual assessments. It’s a 10, it’s an 11, it’s a 12… it’s still just a complete disaster that can’t be said to operate safely. Call it version 3,000 and it still doesn’t change the horrible smell of fraud.

Case in point, a new report confirms what anyone could predict, version 12.5 of FSD isn’t worth a penny and will probably kill people.

For starters, it took a wrong turn out of the neighborhood, something the drivers said it struggles with. Then, while making a left turn onto a highway, it dangerously stopped in the middle of the road while waiting for an approaching car to pass. Instead, it could have simply stopped before the marked line.

Yeah, it dangerously failed. And it gets even worse from there.

The rain compromised the car’s vision, too. Tesla only relies on cameras and training its “neural networks” from real driving footage from millions of vehicles. Unlike Cruise or Waymo, there’s no supplemental radar or lidar on Teslas. In the middle of the drive, the system alerted the drivers that FSD was “degraded.” Shortly after that, the Model 3’s screen rendering showed a road-side shoulder, where it attempted to make a U-turn. There existed no shoulder in this imagined space, just a furniture store. It appeared as though the EV was trying to [crash into] the store….

The “Kool AI Man” product of Tesla, as I’ve pointed out before, is an unnecessary and predictable threat to public safety.

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