The Helsing Drone Revolution as American Defense is Gutted by South Africans

Listen up, everyone. While we’ve had to watch as two very South African spoiled brats loudly take over the American defense industry to set piles of money on fire and throw Hitler salutes (thing one and thing two), the Europeans quietly and professionally have been building something that works. And works damn well.

Remember when we would say “quantity has a quality all its own” to explain success of Sherman tank swarms from North Africa all the way to liberating Polish death camps? Well, the Germans at Helsing just put that into practice in 2025. Their Resilience Factory isn’t just a damn impressive building – it’s a statement of intent.

Resilience Factories are Helsing’s high-efficiency production facilities designed to provide nation states with local and sovereign manufacturing capacities. Helsing is set to build Resilience Factories across the European continent, with the ability to scale manufacturing rates to tens of thousands of units in case of a conflict. The first Resilience Factory (RF-1) is operational in Southern Germany and has an initial monthly production capacity of more than 1,000 HX-2.

One thousand drones per month to start

Let that sink in.

Then imagine what happens when they hit their stride across Europe. As my old man used to say while spitting sunflower seeds off the porch, “future arrives when you’re looking the other way.” And my fellow security industry experts, America has been looking the wrong way.

The factory pumping out the Helsing HX-2 is the real deal. An X-wing to fight the evil oligarchs? Yes, I know how that sounds, but sometimes life imitates art for a reason.

Artist rendering of an Helsing HX-2 in flight
100 kilometers of range on battery power alone. That’s not just impressive, that’s game-changing.

We’re talking one operator, multiple drones in a swarm, and electronic warfare resistance built right in (ask me about Russian container ships weaponized by Chinese hackers).

A catastrophic demonstration of information warfare: The Solong container ship’s unnatural trajectory into a U.S. military oil tanker bears all the hallmarks of sophisticated navigation system compromise.

You know what our man Patton would have said about this? “Fixed fortifications are monuments to man’s stupidity.” The Helsing is producing fixed wings, which are very much not fixed in time or space. They aren’t even manned, because women make great pilots if you catch my drift. These are the harbingers of a new kind of European defense posture shifting into fifth gear, while “America First” means defense going in reverse (ask me about Elon Musk funding AfD to be a new Nazi platform in Brandenburg, where he built his Nazi factory of Swasticars).

The Tesla Factory lit up at night in a prominent Nazi (AfD) area known as Brandenburg, outside Berlin, Germany

I mean the Pentagon clearly has been writing checks that some Silicon Valley techbros cash without any real intent to deliver outcomes (ask me about Henry Ford taking millions and never delivering a damn thing in WWI, leaving Allies high and dry because he favored the Germans).

The Ford Motor Co., according to the War Department, received from Wilson’s administration $249,000 for tools which were never delivered. I suppose Henry has them yet. He also has the money, unless he spent it on this election. The Ford Motor Co., for tractors: Number delivered, none. Amount paid, $1,299,000. Where are those tractors? They might be converted into golden chariots, for all I know. The Ford Motor Co., for spare parts: Number delivered, none. Amount paid, $5,517,000.

Boy oh boy, that Henry Ford was a real Elon Musk, wasn’t he?

American autoworkers and their children in 1941 protest Ford’s relationship with Hitler. Source: Wayne State

Helsing is on the right side of history and has been quietly building the future because of their past. As in building, not bloviating. Ukraine is the obvious proving ground, and so far, we’re seeing proof positive.

How many of the South African fever-dream Cybertrucks have made it into battle, let alone survived their first hour in operation? Oh, right, Russia couldn’t get even two of their million-dollar Tesla fluffy battle bots rolling into the field without immediate device failure.

Tesla very deniably supplied a Chechen warlord with Cybertrucks to test, which immediately catastropically failed… like they couldn’t even move into position, resulting in more ugly finger pointing than a shirtless Russian dictator on a horse.

As the great Yogi Berra might put it: “The future of warfare ain’t what it used to be.” Tesla drone swarm lobbying now makes about as much sense as the State Department blowing $400 million on Cybertrucks after Elon Musk tampered with government procurement documents using the promise his drones can float… all the way to Mars.

These screenshots from three versions of a State Department procurement document that was posted online show how the plans to procure armored Teslas morphed over time. The State Department says the plans to purchase $400 million of armored Teslas originated with the Biden administration, but NPR’s reporting shows only that the Biden administration planned to spend less than $500,000 to explore whether electric vehicles could be armored for diplomatic use.
The CEO said his magic boyhood idea of a bulletproof vehicle even floats like a duck. Every sorry owner of a ruined Cybertruck has since found out that water is, in fact, wet. Source: edhat

Good luck running a navy that has nothing to show for its excessive corruption but a fleet of flammable boat anchors. Talk about a salute to Hitler.

Swasticars: Remote-controlled explosive devices stockpiled by Musk for deployment into major cities around the world. Real picture of a real munition stockpile being stationed just outside Berlin for attack, on Putin’s command.

Either adapt to this new reality of Helsing delivering the future of drone warfare, or become as relevant as Tesla kitchen knives made from “magic Mars dust” being sold as a high-dollar defense against reinforced water tanks. History repeats in the least amusing ways.

The choice is upon the world. The clock is ticking. America has embarrassed and degraded itself with Hegseth, Thiel, Musk… being hollowed out with racist snakeoil salesmen on showboat platforms of tech fantasy. Meanwhile, eyes should have been on Helsing the whole time, a company not waiting for permission to innovate in the necessary defense of Ukraine.

Helsing: Real factories, real drones, real future of warfare. Since the Nazis were defeated in Germany and prevented from rising again, the Germans today no longer suck at basic engineering principles like those nutsy South Africans. Real history fact: Nazi Germany was the least technologically advanced of WWII, far behind and broken, yet they always talked like damn fools about being ahead.

Remember what the always honest and sincere legendary General Creighton Abrams said when routing the Nazis: “They’ve got us surrounded again, the poor bastards.”

26th December 1944 Commanding 37th Tank Battalion, CCR, 4th Armoured Division, Lt. Colonel Abrams requested he be allowed to dash his Sherman tanks through Assenois to breach German defenses and reach Bastogne to relieve the 101st Airborne, which had just replied “Nuts” to Nazis demanding surrender. Adams was right, and for this Third US Army Commander, General George S. Patton called him the “world champion” tank commander.

That’s like Helsing revolutionizing drone warfare while surrounded by backwards-thinking South Africans working for the backwards-thinking Russians to make America go backwards again (MAGbA). The Americans appear completely outmatched now in the defense industry, and will fall even further behind the more they let those two backwards-thinking chaotic things from South Africa have any say.

Who let Peter Thiel and Elon Musk out of the box? Who thought it would be ok? They should not have been let out, said the fish. Will someone lock them up? Cat in the hat where are you?

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