Tesla’s Anti-Black Racism Headed to Court: 10s of Thousands of Workers Cited

The racism news just keeps getting worse at Tesla, like a repeat of the rapid fall of South African apartheid. It’s almost as if Elon Musk, whose family helped build and run South African apartheid until 1988 when they abruptly fled to Canada, has somehow escaped accountability for their and his horrible past.

On Wednesday, Judge Nöel Wise set Sept. 8 of next year as the start date for the jury trial.

Nearly 6,000 current and former Black employees and contractors at the plant have signed onto the lawsuit, and the number could climb past 10,000 in coming months, a lawyer for the workers said.

Black workers claim they experienced racist epithets, graffiti, discrimination and harassment at the automaker led by CEO Elon Musk.

The lawsuit seeks a court order that would bar the company “from maintaining a hostile work environment on the basis of race,” and would impose mandatory training on harassment for all Tesla managers and employees.

“The same racism and harassment that was there back in 2017 when we first filed this lawsuit are there today,” Bryan Schwartz, a lawyer for the workers, alleged.

The suit is to bar a company from maintaining racism as part of the workplace? That’s an incredibly telling line, not to mention the comment that high levels of racism at Tesla continued through years of formal complaints and public condemnation.

Really it explains why Musk dumped so much money (over 40B) into inviting and spreading racist violent incitement on Twitter. He didn’t care at all about making money when he bought the platform, and rebranded it with the swastika. It’s just him redirecting other people’s money into instigating racist violence and censorship in a fraud scheme of selling “speech”.

He’s literally trying to spend billions on normalizing anti-Black racist speech, to return America to its tragic past.

Twitter revenues could go negative and Musk — like Henry Ford’s publication of the kind of racist hate that Adolf Hitler credited in his rise to power — probably would say it’s still worth it at a huge financial loss if it destabilizes markets, undermines democracy and shifts power to extremist white nationalists (him).

As a historian of African decolonization, I’m expecting Tesla to lose the suit in the same way that South Africa lost repeatedly and constantly yet kept fighting.

Two potential paths: 1. Musk manages to prolong failure by turning the whole U.S. into a puppet-run racist dictatorship, with him and Thiel polluting its board of directors. 2. Or he tries to launch as many firebombs as possible into U.S. and U.K. streets while abruptly fleeing to Russia.

Note his new Ramzan Kadyrov collaboration and war machine marketing video in Russia:

Great car, thank you Elon Musk for the gift. We will put it into special military operations soon to test it and then send you our orders.

The allegedly dumbest and most desperate Russian soldiers, nicknamed “TikTok Chechens” for revealing their locations on social media, must be super excited to buff this thing into a bright artillery target.

But instead if you think of the Cybertruck as a militarized remote chemical explosive drone, a lot of Black people around the world are about to be in a lot of danger from Tesla robotics trained for taking orders from Russian dictators.

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