Right-wing Extremist Cuts Down 500,000 Trees in Germany and Attacks Police

Satellite imagery has been used for analysis showing a massive Russian-funded military deforestation project by the right-wing extremist known for his ties to the AfD (Nazi) German party and inciting violent white supremacist riots in the UK.

Satellite images show 329 hectares (813 acres) of forest were cut down at the site between March 2020 and May 2023, according to the environmental intelligence company Kayrros. That is equivalent to approximately 500,000 trees.

When criticism of the deforestation landed, the alleged perpetrator started widespread propaganda campaigns attacking German police for not being more repressive of such speech.

The development… owner, has criticised local police for letting off “leftwing protesters”.

Self-identifying as a right-wing activist by criticizing German police for allowing left-wing speech, while actively promoting AfD (Nazi) party hate speech and inciting violent hate swarms, all related to rapidly building a robot factory for war outside the German Reichstag… isn’t exactly subtle.

To be clear, Elon Musk complains when police crack down on hate speech, and complains even louder when police don’t crack down on anti-hate speech.

Next thing you know Tesla will flaunt more “88” announcements, yet pretend its factory workers aren’t being screened to “Z heil“.

Tesla apparently has been working hard to land a huge anti-environment military robot (drone chemical cluster-bomb) munitions factory outside Berlin, which it expects to be instrumental when Putin and Musk work together to launch remote attacks on Germans and undermine democracy.

I doubt German intelligence can find any bigger rising national security threat.

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