German Court Rules Elon Musk’s Communications With AfD as Extremist (Nazi-related)

Elon Musk repeatedly has tried to weigh into German political affairs with his clear support for the AfD party, widely recognized today as Nazis. Recently, for example, Musk used his social media platform to downplay the harm of Nazi propaganda. He passively suggested that well-known Nazi slogans shouted at a German political rally should not … Continue reading German Court Rules Elon Musk’s Communications With AfD as Extremist (Nazi-related)

If AfD are Nazis, and Elon Musk Campaigns for AfD, What Does That Make Him?

First, the Nazis in AfD love saying they are definitely not the thing that they are. There is a long list of cases with a neo-Nazi connections in the AfD – and it runs right up to the national executive committee. AfD literally oppose law and order — want to undermine the Constitution — so … Continue reading If AfD are Nazis, and Elon Musk Campaigns for AfD, What Does That Make Him?

Normalizing Racism: Elon Musk Questions Why Nazis Get a Negative Public Reaction

Elon Musk seems to have a troubling penchant for using his brands to flirt with Nazi symbolism and spread toxic ideologies. His social media antics often feel like a calculated effort to disseminate hate and disinformation. Some observers even suggest he’s become a prominent figure in promoting white supremacist rhetoric, casting a damaging shadow over … Continue reading Normalizing Racism: Elon Musk Questions Why Nazis Get a Negative Public Reaction

Tesla Owners Realize Their Brand is a Celebrity Rape Joke

Something is happening where even self-described “EV technology” enthusiasts are selling their frequently maligned Tesla and divesting from the stock. These people aren’t experts in engineering, or they’d have realized a long time ago the brand is dangerous garbage. They aren’t manufacturing experts, they aren’t safety experts… the list goes on and on because Tesla … Continue reading Tesla Owners Realize Their Brand is a Celebrity Rape Joke