Judge Says California DMV Can Sue Tesla for FSD Fraud

What a time to be alive, as Tesla lawyers failed to convince a judge that their phrase Full Self Driving means nothing yet everything at the same time:

The name is a misnomer — FSD requires constant supervision and doesn’t render vehicles autonomous…

Tesla’s lawyers contended that marketing its vehicles as having full self-driving “capabilities” is not an assertion that the cars are currently fully autonomous, but rather a statement that they will be capable of driving themselves in the future after software updates. […]

[The judge] sided with the DMV’s lawyer, Greg Call, who argued that the case shouldn’t be thrown out before the DMV has had a chance to introduce its evidence at a hearing later this year.

Tesla didn’t show that the California DMV “necessarily will be unable to present any relevant evidence”…

For one rather obvious point, the car company lawyers bizarrely failed to admit that it is always called FSD by everyone all the time, and never FSD-C.

There’s no C, ever, in any mentions anywhere.

Capability for FSD? Who says that and what voice do they have compared to the CEO always saying FSD is so amazing it’s totally like here now.

Tesla may as well have argued that FSD really is a Tesla statement meaning their customers get Not FSD (NFSD) when they pay for FSD, because customers love NFSD so much they believe it’s the same value as FSD.

It’s the amazingly convincing glass is completely empty argument for doing business, if you will. Also known as fraud.

Oh did you just pay for a beer? Here’s an empty glass with the capability to have beer. A beer to be delivered someday maybe many years from now, because you paid for beer but all you get for now is the glass completely empty. No false ad for beer here, look away, carry on. Thanks for the money though in advance. It’s the same thing right?

P.T. Barnum is rolling in his grave.

In related news, Tesla “hardcore” lawyers lost their motion to dismiss DMV Enforcement Actions, which could mean the loss of their manufacturing and sales licenses in California.

Elon Musk Parrots Nazi Doctrine to Corrupt His Investors

Here’s Elon Musk saying who he will allow to have any authority, to judge him.

If somebody doesn’t believe Tesla is going to solve autonomy, I think they should not be an investor in the company.

He is proclaiming a belief based dictatorship, not based in law and order let alone scientific thought.

Investors are warned to recognize his will or get out, regardless of any reality or fundamentals of math.

And here is Nazi doctrine of 1934.

If you cannot recognise the will of the Fuhrer as a source of law, then you cannot remain a judge

Over 16,000 “non-believing” Germans were then executed by guillotine right after Hitler said he would never use one.

Amon Goeth, like Elon Musk, found cause for anger everywhere he looked and eliminated anyone who dared to make any sense.

As Elon Musk Promotes Nazism, Tesla Sales Plummet 60% and He Fills a Nazi Airbase With Killer Robots

Elon Musk has been campaigning hard for a return to Nazi rule in Germany, which apparently is (yet again) bad for business in Germany.

Tesla quite understandably now can’t seem to sell its very low quality overpriced cars into one of the largest car markets in the world.

So what’s a loitering munitions factory like Tesla to do when nobody is signing up to buy from them, let alone willing to expose public spaces to risks from known buggy dangerous software?

Store all this unwanted inventory on an historic Nazi military base? Hold my beer, Tesla said, as thousands of its robots were assembled like it’s 1934 again, an evil mechanized army waiting for the orders to run over liberals after burning down the Reichstag.

Handelsblatt reports with video of the disaster waiting to happen:

Tesla currently has little idea what to do with its unsold vehicles. This was particularly evident this weekend on an old military site 70 kilometers east of Berlin. […] The scene is in extreme contradiction to Elon Musk’s statements. According to earlier information, Tesla wanted to double production in Grünheide to one million cars per year. But for the US company, the number of deliveries fell in the first quarter of 2024 for the first time in four years. …Tesla’s number fell by 64 percent.

The Neuhardenberg airfield was built by Nazis immediately after they ended democracy. It had to be a secret in order to illegally militarize Germany and stockpile machines in preparation for starting World War II.

Is it any wonder Tesla chose it? Maybe Russia will send orders to drive all these robots as an invasion force into Poland… attempting to reverse 1989.

East Germans drive their oil-belching Trabants westward

As the car company CEO promised investors in 2019:

“The fleet wakes up with an over-the-air update,” Musk said. “That’s all it takes.”

Update: Musk confirms plans to turn his parking lots of unsold vehicles into centrally controlled robot swarms.

“F@#K!”: Panic as New Tesla FSD AI Demo “Veered” Into Oncoming Traffic

Predictable since 2014, provable since 2016, the Tesla AI fraud continues to be… a fraud.

…an overly confident driver attempting to show off his Tesla’s “Full Self-Driving” (FSD) capabilities — only to intervene seconds later as the vehicle veers straight into oncoming traffic.

“At the end of the day, you don’t need mapping, you don’t need to know where you are at a centimeter level,” the driver boasted to his friend. “You just need really good AI, really good intelligence.”

“All the extra hardware, to get the Waymo to run,” he added, before shouting “fuck!” as his car swerves to the left into the oncoming lane.

Overconfident. That’s putting it mildly. Threat to public safety?

Is it any wonder why so many Tesla in “veered” crashes have been killing an alarming number of people?