Mark Rober Poked the TSLA Fraud Bear: Now Watch Safety Failure Get Redefined by Angry Mob

When a former NASA engineer demonstrated conclusively and cautiously a Tesla unable to detect a wall and running over child mannequins, a social media army has jumped into action to angrily defend the man-slaughtering design.

March 2025 the Tesla driverless experience is still blind to objects and humans in the road. Arguably it has only gotten worse as the company intentionally removed critical safety equipment, slashing costs despite known risks to life and property. Source: Screen grab from Mark Rober video

Tesla’s response of course to findings like this has never been to address safety concerns with engineering, but instead a barrage of debate tactics and threats. Thus, it’s time again to watch the masterclass in military intelligence methods unleashing their usual terminological obfuscation/smoke game.

The media machine [using Soviet scaffolding repurposed by KGB officers to run their Russian dictatorship] seeks to not only provide an alternative narrative with a Russian version of events, but also to cause general confusion and question the whole notion of the truth. It provides varying accounts of events, often based in truth, that work to sow discord and confusion.

This is not a theoretical experience for American engineers working on safety reports, this has been a long-time a fundamental public safety issue by design.

Everyone knows the Kremlin seeks to use information to deny, deceive, and confuse… You could spend every hour of every day trying to bat down every lie, to the point where you don’t achieve anything else. And that’s exactly what the Kremlin wants

An engineer’s hands are tied up with truckloads of misdirection and misinformation so they can’t possibly do engineering? A truth-teller delivering transparent results is accused of manipulation by the biggest manipulators, up is down, math and physics no longer can be real… in the fog of information warfare. We know how and why many people will die, until we’re facing a tidal wave of “nothing is real” attacks.

March 2025 a Tesla autopilot still runs over children like it’s 2016, with sensors unable to handle normal road conditions as if negligent by design. Over 50 people have so far been killed by Tesla autopilot flaws.

Notably the angry mob spins their attacks as a “defense” strategy to protect their assets, their way of life, as if they are the real victims and not the people who will be killed by design. They’re blasting information weapons out into the Internet with a claim to be protecting something they consider so valuable, so critical to their own survival, any lives lost by others (e.g. killed by Tesla) get reframed as just collateral damage.

A Tesla balloon designed to be made of lead has a “good” reason for never getting off the ground…

Consider the irony. A Tesla vision failure means it can’t “see” a child mannequin and runs it over without any regard for human life. Tesla defenders don’t “see” this as design failure, but rather focus on what they can “see” as an attack by anyone who dares to speak the truth of exactly how and why a child would be killed.

It’s a kind of consistency in trained and limited vision, an inability to process real outcomes, that’s a result of military-like basic training about who deserves to live or die.

“You’ll Believe What We Tell You To” Say Tesla PK Shock Troops’s recent mob-rule-sounding propaganda blast attacking Mark Rober’s Tesla test is a perfect example of how the military intelligence of an unnamed nation state can unleash weaponized words to deflect meaningful criticism to float the stock value underpinning one of their key foreign assets.

The techniques we’re seeing mirror Soviet “Operation Infektion” that falsely claimed AIDS was a US bioweapon – a playbook preserved and upgraded by those who deployed it originally. Despite having an economy smaller than Italy’s, this nation maintains disproportionate global influence operations, as essential to its power as oil revenues. Like inheriting a Cold War nuclear arsenal then repurposing it for neighborhood extortion, former intelligence operatives now running a dictatorship deploy their keyboard armies against threats to their investments. Tesla’s terminology battles represent just one theater in this broader campaign – flooding discourse with confusion to exhaust experts and undermine regulation. The ultimate goal remains unchanged: enable rapid wealth extraction by using asymmetric information attacks to prevent accountability for preventable harms and deaths.

With that in mind, thousands of keyboard warriors from an unknown country are now on a campaign to attack Rober as if he “misrepresented Tesla” because he supposedly tested “Autopilot” not “Full Self-Driving”, as if any of those words have actual meaning and a distinction matters when the fundamental issue is Tesla in 2025 demonstrates the complete failure to detect a wall and mannequins it claimed a decade ago to be a solved problem. More to the point, Tesla claimed it would be the first to solve this safety issue and be the most safe car on the road, placing itself above all other designs and engineers unequivocally and without exception.

Tesla fails 50% of the safety tests, meaning three child mannequins were run over by its flawed camera-only driverless system, compared with a car wisely using LiDAR. Source: Screen grab from Mark Rober video

Here’s the absurd logic at work, just to make clear how cruel and cynical the military intelligence system is at pushing Tesla into certain death of Americans (remember for purposes of information warfare severity, millions of people died during the Cold War from its targeted application):

  • Tesla markets the term “Autopilot” without shame in 2016, announcing autopilot capabilities removing any need for a human by 2017, and their CEO repeatedly states that anyone criticizing autopilot with caution about adoption should be held responsible for deaths — BECAUSE AUTOPILOT IS SOLD AS CAPABLE OF PREVENTING DEATH
  • People start to die because they trust Tesla marketing, with two fatal crashes immediately in 2016 and a pedestrian dead in 2018…
  • Tesla starts to passively criticize Autopilot itself by 2020, announcing “Full Self-Driving” that will do what Autopilot was sold to do.
  • Tesla in late 2024 changes the name of FSD to “supervised”, passively criticizing both Autopilot and FSD as being incapable of achieving their meaning, admitting they’ve never been using language correctly. Musk pumps even harder on the propaganda, claiming there will be ZERO CRASHES IN 2025, despite at least 52 deaths from Autopilot and FSD together so far)
  • Anyone testing these systems is accused of the crime that Tesla is committing, as if misuse of language is applied to anyone pointing out the misuse of language. It’s always “didn’t test the right system” because there is no actual system to test, just a shell game of opaque unaccountable abusive behavior that puts everyone in danger except Tesla.

This terminological methodology, well known to scholars of military intelligence and targeted attacks on populations, is designed for Tesla to never be held accountable. When deaths occur, the response isn’t to investigate and fix the technology, but to revise words and change definitions. When tests demonstrate failures, the reaction isn’t engineering revised and better safety systems, but semantic arguments to avoid engineering at all. Meanwhile, the body count continues to rise while Musk makes increasingly absurd safety claims detached from reality and attacks his critics with baseless claims they are doing what he does. It’s a casino mentality where he sets up mirrors and tables to unjust house rules such that anyone who dares to enter his realm can never win.

Deadly Tesla Disengagement

Learning how magicians lie is such a disappointment because the magic is lost. This is what the Electrek journalist discovered after being attacked by Tesla’s investors who demanded he believe in the magic:

NHTSA’s investigation of Tesla vehicles on Autopilot crashing into emergency vehicles on the highway found that Autopilot would disengage within less than one second prior to impact on average in the crashes that it was investigating…

Rober’s video captured this exact behavior! The magic gone in an instant. Watch carefully as the system disengages 17 frames before impact. This is a damning example of Tesla engineering designing coverups into friendly-fire situations. They built a feature to generate maximum plausible deniability to reduce their liability in a known deadly outcome they are responsible for creating. “The system wasn’t engaged during the crash” becomes the technical truth that masks the killer reality: the Tesla since 2016 promises of solving driverless completely by 2017 still fail to prevent a crash in 2025 that it should detect well in advance.

Seventeen LONG Frames Before Death

Other cars can do it today. Other cars didn’t promise to solve crashes by 2017. Tesla can’t do it today. Tesla promised to have it solved by 2017. You think it matters what words Tesla uses when they’ve proven since even before 2016 that none of their words can be trusted? Accepting their preference in terminology is like agreeing to let a toddler rewrite the dictionary in a way that helps them never be responsible for anything.

Tesla has been selling people a word salad unsafe for consumption. Their “apple” is actually a painted rock. And when someone breaks a tooth trying to bite into it, Tesla argues “this is our LOOKING apple, it can’t yet be bitten.” After many people lose their teeth Tesla announces “we have a banana for you to go with our apple.” Should someone test either the “apple” or the new “banana” they would discover both are painted rocks, to which Tesla says “forget the apple, we replaced the banana with another banana, and another one, and another one, next year the banana will be so edible nobody will break a tooth ever again”… and the next year more teeth are broken, repeating this advance fee fraud forever. It’s really no different than the 419 African email scam.

In this new safety test video by the ex-NASA engineer we see someone showing a Tesla apple for what it is, and always has been, just a painted rock. It’s a LIE that has dragged on since 2016. Because LiDAR don’t LIE. There shouldn’t be controversy in this VERY OLD NEWS. The exact opposite in fact, this video should be welcomed like how someone who just placed 154th in a group event gets congratulated. Hey Mark, welcome, and thanks for participating in something that has been operating for over ten years with the same results. Welcome to Mark, welcome into the big tent with everyone who already understands that since 2016 Tesla has been selling “driverless” for hundreds of millions and more hundreds of millions without ever providing what they had claimed from the start.

Another Brick in the Wall Tesla Can’t See

While Tesla plays word games to undermine safety, the reality remains unchanged: their low-quality consumer-grade camera-only system simply and predictably fails basic tests that LiDAR-equipped vehicles have passed for a decade. This isn’t new to anyone with a clue because engineers have been demonstrating this fundamental flaw repeatedly and dramatically (although, I’ll admit, not as dramatically as this high-production new Disney-like video). The Dawn Project and numerous safety experts have shown these exact same failures in many media formats with the same conclusive results, yet Tesla removed safety in the false name of a fictional “efficiency”.

Elon Musk… has expressed his admiration for Rand’s work, particularly “The Fountainhead.”

In Ayn Rand’s novel “The Fountainhead,” the character Dominique Francon purchases a beautiful Greek statue that she genuinely admires, then deliberately destroys it by throwing it out the window. It’s almost like Elon Musk is that character, who destroys everything he touches to prove that is better (for him) than letting it exist in a world that doesn’t appreciate him enough. Musk’s “the best part is no part” psychosis is destructive thinking that removed critical safety sensors from Tesla vehicles, despite warnings from experts. In the same way he created DOGE to force a false “efficiency” of minimal human safety, resulting in preventable deaths (targeting non-whites).

The philosophy of the malignant narcissist isn’t a mystery, the intent to deny/withhold and harm aren’t hidden. Elon Musk repeatedly implies deaths of non-white children will be consistent with his life’s eugenicist mission to generate more white people as quickly as possible.

Killing children is by design, I’m afraid. “Pro-natalists” like Musk claim they aren’t racist, but their pressure to have children is solely focused on white women, while they back policies that literally kill non-white children. He’s a eugenicist.

Tesla killing children in the road thus is the outcome of his racist game, given the majority of people at risk will statistically be non-white. DOGE eliminating USAID is projected to kill at least 3 million non-white people, far greater than Tesla death tolls. Elon Musk is consistent in his plotting to do harm to very specific groups of people.

That’s why you have to understand in the fog of information warfare that Elon Musk makes increasingly absurd claims on purpose, recently promoting the nonsense that Tesla vehicles “won’t crash” in 2025 even as Tesla crash rates have actually accelerated even faster than fleet growth, according to NHTSA data.

Key Observations: Data clearly shows that both serious incidents (orange line) and fatal incidents (pink line) are increasing at a steeper rate than the fleet size growth (blue line). This is particularly evident from 2021 onwards, where: Fleet size (blue) shows a linear growth of about 1x per year. Serious incidents (orange) show an exponential growth curve, reaching nearly 5x by 2024. Fatal incidents (pink) also show a steeper-than-linear growth, though not as dramatic as serious incidents. The divergence between the blue line (fleet growth) and the incident lines (orange and pink) indicates that incidents are indeed accelerating faster than the production/deployment of new vehicles. Source: and NHTSA

Tesla at War, Casualties Mounting

The public deserves better than semantic games. When a vehicle can’t detect a wall or mannequins in the road, the terminology used to market its driver assistance features becomes irrelevant. The question isn’t whether it was “Autopilot” or “Full Self-Driving” that failed, but why Tesla continues to deploy systems with demonstrated safety flaws and fights regulation rather than improving their technology.

As the article unwittingly reveals, we’re witnessing a coordinated effort to shift discussion from “does this system have a correct outcome” to “which term was used at the moment of failure”. That’s a shell game designed to exhaust and confuse the public while real safety concerns go unaddressed and more and more people die by design.

The truth is simple: if your vehicle that has been vehemently and angrily defended since 2016 as “driverless” still can’t detect a child in the road or a giant wall, the terms don’t really matter. Over 52 people are dead. What matters is Tesla intentionally misleads people, they’re dead, and it shouldn’t be on the road anymore. At this point, Tesla should be recognized as a foreign-backed threat even worse than domestic terrorism, literally…

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