CA Tesla “Self-driving” Sends Car Onto Railroad Tracks, Yet Again

Year after year the Tesla engineers have failed to get their “self-driving” software to recognize railroad tracks properly and safely. Remember the Palo Alto incident?

So here we are, a decade later with nothing fixed, as if Tesla has been lying about their capability this whole time:

Terrible reporting in the video, as their chosen “experts” both are invested in people buying Tesla and didn’t show any expertise at all. Here, allow me to help. Let’s start with Vancouver news from THREE MONTHS AGO:

Then look at California news from SIX MONTHS AGO:

And then we can go on and on and on, where Tesla itself has been repeatedly proven to fail at train tracks…

  • 2024 flyingpenguin: FSD v12.3.6 “…slammed on the brakes in the middle of the train tracks. And just sat there. It would not go…”
  • 2023 Reddit: Literally just watched a guy park his Tesla on the train track
  • 2022 Washington Post: Tesla tries to drive down some light-rail tracks
  • 2022 Daily Mail: Tesla feature attempts to drive down some light-rail tracks, mistaking it for a road
  • 2022 Reddit: Tesla thinks the train is a bunch of slow trucks

Train tracks are a known defect in Tesla software, which I’ve watched and confirmed myself. Notably, neither “expert” in the news segment put their Tesla to an actual test with train tracks! Driving the journalist down the same route that a Tesla is driven every day (as described by the owner) is irrelevant to this story about railroad crossings, and it also should be pointed out the “expert” describes his Tesla struggling and “crazy” even at that basic level. Why didn’t this reporter call BS and say “TAKE ME TO A TRAIN TRACK FOR A REAL STORY OR GTFO”.

When low angle sunlight hits shiny metal railroad tracks, for example, this poorly designed car registers “yellow” and “white” lines instead as if it should turn onto them; as if fresh bright lines mean that a newly painted road can just magically appear out of nowhere.

And on that note, who can forget the very stark U.S. government regulator warnings and proposed technology solutions back in 2016 after a human tragically followed their navigation app onto a railroad track causing a fatality?

On Monday, after investigating the crash for almost two years, the National Transportation Safety Board issued a safety recommendation asking technology and delivery companies to add the exact locations of more than 200,000 grade crossings into digital maps and to provide alerts when drivers encounter them. […] The accuracy of mapping data is becoming more important as driverless cars start taking to the road. It will be up to navigation apps to guide cars onto the safest routes and to warn passengers — who may not be paying attention — about potential hazards.

Journalists should talk about decade-old solutions for a well-known and studied problem, such that Tesla is clearly failing at safety 101 and this incident didn’t need to happen. Without fraud there would be no Tesla.

Paper Tesla: X Twitter Thread Probes Whether Car Company’s Fraudulent Accounting Soon Will Crash

A sharp-eyed bear has released the following thread into the public for consideration.

The Robotaxi Repo – Part 2: A theory of how Tesla utilizes lease accounting and Robotaxis to turn collateralized borrowings into sales and achieve paper profitability. $TSLA $TSLAQ (1/25)

Disclaimer: I have no claim of actual knowledge, all information is sourced from public information. This is not investment advice and all opinions are my own. (2/25)

The Robotaxi Repo Theory: Tesla overstated S/X sales in 2018 using new lease accounting methods, however this led to large 1Q19 writeoff. To avoid further writeoffs, TSLA declares cars appreciating assets in 2Q19, allowing collateralized borrowing to be considered sales. (3/25)

There is significant evidence to support this theory, including many accounting red flags, financial evidence in Tesla’s international revenue, and qualitative statements by Tesla in 2Q19 seemingly meant to support and disclose this concept (4/25)

Under Tesla’s lease accounting, certain international leases are considered sales, if the expected future market value exceeds the buyback obligation. Only international leases are considered sales in this fashion. (5/25)

However a pure repo could still not be considered a sale, since the backback obligation would exceed the purchase price, and cars depreciate. (6/25)

However, in 2Q19, Tesla declares that their cars will appreciate. With an appreciating asset, a repo could indeed be booked as a sale. This would allow TSLA to book collateralized borrowings or inventory repos as sales (7/25)

Red flag: Tesla was widely reported to be under significant financial stress in 2019, with Musk stating later that the company had just 1 month of cash at points during the Model 3 ramp, yet began turning consistent profit in 3Q19 (8/25)

Red Flag: Tesla had turned over two CAO and one CFO in the past year, during which it adopted ASC 606, an industry standard change, but one that provided management more leeway in booking leases as sales. (9/25)

Red Flag: Revenue Recognition for international leases has several eye-raising components and could be used as way to overstate sales, subject to aggressive management assumptions. Domestic and direct leases are not booked in this way. (10/25)

Red Flag: In 1Q19, Tesla re-writes its rev. recognition section from the 2018 10k, creating ambiguity between its rev. recognition and revenue by source disclosure. In 2019 there are meaningfully fewer “Auto sales with RVG” despite Intl revenues increasing dramatically (11/25)

Red Flag: In its 2019 Audit, PWC adds two “Critical Audit Matters”: International Lease Revenue Recognition and warranty accounting. (12/25)

Red Flag: From 4Q18 to 2Q19 Tesla dramatically reduced the detail and commentary provided in its quarterly production and delivery disclosures, and stopped disclosing customer vehicles in transit. (13/25)

Red Flag: Tesla demonstrates key characteristics noted in SAS 82 (audit guidelines) for “classic risk factors associated with management fraud”, including compensation structure, obsession with stock price, aggressive targets, cash flow issues, and subjective accounting (14/25)

Financial Evidence: Beginning in 2Q19, “Other” international revenue increases dramatically while inventory declines to 4 year lows. This growth focused company provides almost detail on this growth (15/25)

It is assumed that Intl rev. growth is due to growth in EU, however using EU registration data, we can segregate into EU/China/Other. Unlike EU/China which decreased in late ’18, and rebounded in 2019, Other increased throughout the two years with the exception of 1Q19 (16/25)

The $500M 1Q19 writedown fills the hole in Other Intl Rev., indicating that this is where there international leases booked as sales show up. this supports that ’18 sales were overstated, written down in 1Q19, but the growth in this rev. continued without further writeoff (17/25)

Qualitative Evidence: In 2Q19, Tesla claims its cars are appreciating assets due to future revenue from non-existent robotaxi network. This claim is repeated at Autonomous Day in April. The specificity of this language w/r/t lease accounting loophole is significant (18/25)

At Autonomous Day, Musk references a change in leases, TSLA will receive cars back, Model 3 appreciates, and “customers” are fronting money for robotaxi network. When asked about financing and B/S commitment, Musk: “I think we’ll make the moves we think we should make” (19/25)

Tesla has a history of using product announcements to push through questionable corporate actions: See Solar Roof Tile to gain support for terrible SolarCity acquisition (20/25)

In 2019, CarMax stopped listing used Teslas just as Carvana began listing them. In 2020, Carvana began listing used 2019 Model 3s above the current listing price of a new car. If Tsla was merely trying to influence real RVG, why take extreme step of showing appreciation? (21/25)

Result: Despite noted financial stress in 2019, Tesla miraculously shows profitability beginning in 3Q19 and every quarter since. In May 2019 Morgan Stanley had a $10 (pre-split) downside price for TSLA given financial stress and demand issues (22/25)

Robotaxi Repo 1 estimated billions in overstated sales based on Intl rev. This report provides further evidence for the theory and quantum of impact, but given the lack of information required to provide a confident estimate, this report will not estimate of the impact. (23/25)

Historical Parallels: Enron was named the America’s Most Innovative company from 1996-2001. Stock exploded at height of dot-com boom (P/E of 70). Their accounting scandal involved repos, booking profits off expected future values, and moving debts of B/S. (24/25)

Many people rightly call Tesla an Enron. There’s no avoiding its financial collapse at this point unless we think about it being a preparation for…


Musk likely believes he can stay a step ahead of the truth.

How? Push Trump/Putin and the like to buy his technology for a white ethnostate like Rhodesia to be setup in America — funding violent civil disregulation — in order to bury massive business failures in extremist corrupted economics of race war.

Kris “Krazy” Kobach, who wrote his Harvard thesis on why apartheid is good for white business men and then became close advisor to Trump, has said as much.

Tesla Cybertruck “Totaled” After It Touches Water

At this rate we’ll be on Mars by 2020.

Lies, lies and more lies. Without fraud there would be no Tesla. The truck the CEO loudly proclaimed so waterproof it will float like a boat also has been classified a wreck after its soft underbelly touched water.

…totaled Cybertruck up for auction actually looks intact and only has 26 miles on the odometer.

The problem with this Cybertruck is apparently that it [barely touched water].

IAA released this picture of the “flood line”, which is surprisingly still underneath the cabin.

Reality bites this CEO over and over again as his exaggerated forward leaning claims are proven lies. Why is a guy flogging stock scams not in jail?

Cybertruck will be waterproof enough to serve briefly as a boat, so it can cross rivers, lakes and even seas that aren’t too choppy.

It not only can’t serve as a boat,
it can’t serve as a truck.


Cybertrucked. Folly:
Aquaphobic, soulless ride.
Buyer wisdom void.


Fscking Cybertrucker,
what a damn joke
Brakes just shit,
drop of water makes it choke.
Buying Musk lies,
shows yo’ brain be broke!


Forsooth, they part with coin for naught but air,
A chariot that fails when skies do weep.
O empty heads that reason cannot spare,
Into this trap of deadly vanity they leap.

Behold! A chariot of fool’s gold doth gleam,
Its form a jest, its function but a sham.
The rain, its foe; its brakes, a fevered dream;
Its makers, frauds who care not for bedlam.

O wretched craft of steel and broken vows,
Thy frame a monument to hubris vast.
Thy wheels spin lies, thy hood false hope endows,
While coin and sense are flushed into the past.

What knave would part with wealth for such deceit?
A vehicle of folly, born of guile.
Its promises are dust beneath our feet,
Its engineering naught but refuse vile.

Thus Cybertruck, a fraud in metal clad,
Proves buyer and maker equally mad.


Can’t get a truck wet,
Even its brakes don’t work?
Empty head Tesla boss is big
Mouth needin’ a cork!

Cybertruck lies rusting in the rain,
Cybertruck lies rusting in the rain,
Cybertruck lies rusting in the rain,
Its brakes are shot to hell!

Glory, glory, what a swindle,
Glory, glory, what a swindle,
Glory, glory, what a swindle,
The fools who payed into a shell!

4 Recalls in 5 Months: Tesla Cybertruck Safety Defects Piling Up

Let’s recount the recalls so far in the six month existence of this vehicle:

  1. January: warning-light too small
  2. April: stuck accelerator
  3. June: windshield wiper fail
  4. June: body parts flying off

Three of these are high risk of a crash and one is a threat to anyone around the vehicle. It’s almost like Tesla doesn’t care very much about safety or manufacturing.

Apparently they knew about body parts flying off in December 2023, as a Cybertruck showed up with them missing, yet engineers sat about “warranting no further investigation”.

– On December 28, 2023, an undelivered Cybertruck with a single missing applique arrived at a Tesla delivery center after being transported on a vehicle hauler.
– From late December 2023 to early January 2024, Tesla engineers at Giga Factory Texas investigated the issue and optimized the install location and tooling and inspection station to improve adhesion controls.
– Between January 2024 and May 10, 2024, Tesla continued to monitor the vehicle fleet. No additional occurrences were identified, warranting no further investigation.
– On May 11, 2024, Tesla identified a second occurrence, this time on a customer vehicle.
– From May 11 through May 29, 2024, Tesla investigated the incident and determined that the applique had delaminated from the supplier-controlled adhesion interface due to the applique or adhesion not being installed according to specification.
– From May 11 through June 11, 2024, Tesla surveyed and assessed the retention of sail appliques on vehicles in the field and found additional instances of loose or detached appliques due to improper installation of the
applique or adhesive.
– On June 12, 2024, Tesla made a determination to voluntarily recall the affected vehicles

The basic adhesion problem continued for another six months until customer complaints on social media forced a response.