DOJ Clarifies Security Research Protected Under CFAA

Interesting to read the sensible conclusions being reached by the U.S. department established by President Grant.

Justice Department urges prosecutors not to bring cases against legitimate cybersecurity researchers under main U.S. anti-hacking law, enacted in 1986

The reporter uses a powerful method called the “sandwich” to push the message here.

The policy change is a victory for the many cyber professionals and academics who have criticized the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act for potentially criminalizing research that security experts see as key to protecting computer systems from cyberattacks.

“The department has never been interested in prosecuting good-faith computer security research as a crime, and today’s announcement promotes cybersecurity by providing clarity for good-faith security researchers who root out vulnerabilities for the common good,” Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco said in a statement.

The revised policy directs federal prosecutors to avoid bringing cases if individuals accessed computers to test, investigate or correct vulnerabilities “in a manner designed to avoid any harm to individuals or the public.”

See what just happened?

1) The policy change
2) DoJ says “never been interested”
3) The revised policy

Next comes the reporter trying to explain why a new policy is really just clarification of overly broad computer language from 1980s.

Critics in the cybersecurity industry say the language is ambiguous and could be used to prosecute routine activity…

Updating vague language from the dinosaur days of computers arguably doesn’t rise to the level of changing a policy, but the DoJ themselves want it to be seen as a clean break because the prior policy didn’t accurately represent their intentions.

The official DoJ announcement text ends with this:

All federal prosecutors who wish to charge cases under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act are required to follow the new policy, and to consult with CCIPS before bringing any charges. Prosecutors must inform the Deputy Attorney General (DAG), and in some cases receive approval from the DAG, before charging a CFAA case if CCIPS recommends against it. The new policy replaces an earlier policy that was issued in 2014, and takes effect immediately.

And that follows the reasonable doctrines of accuracy and efficiency in justice.

The new policy states explicitly the longstanding practice that “the department’s goals for CFAA enforcement are to promote privacy and cybersecurity by upholding the legal right of individuals, network owners, operators, and other persons to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information stored in their information systems.” Accordingly, the policy clarifies that hypothetical CFAA violations that have concerned some courts and commentators are not to be charged. […] The policy focuses the department’s resources on cases where a defendant is either not authorized at all to access a computer or was authorized to access one part of a computer — such as one email account — and, despite knowing about that restriction, accessed a part of the computer to which his authorized access did not extend, such as other users’ emails.

In related news, some people have all the fun.

Former special forces operative Guillaume runs a company called Golem Protection that tests the defences of high profile business people or wealthy VIPs from all over the world. His team “breaks into” well-guarded homes, using paintball guns and marker pen “knives” to demonstrate just how terrifyingly close they can get to their targets. […] “Obviously, we simulate the killing part,” he jokes.

Apple’s OSX 12.4 Full of 73 Important Hidden Security Fixes

Already I’m seeing social media channels fill up with Apple users whining about the 2GB or larger download required for OSX 12.4.

Why should I download this if there are no major changes?

Deployment model plans aside — proprietary lightning connectors are nearly dinosaur speed versus modern USB-C so Apple arguably put themselves in this corner — let’s talk about what Apple doesn’t seem to highlight in its official release notes: data safety (CRITICALITY OF FIXES).

  1. CVE-2022-26772 memory corruption to execute arbitrary code with kernel privileges
  2. CVE-2022-26741 buffer overflow to execute arbitrary code with kernel privileges
  3. CVE-2022-26742 buffer overflow to execute arbitrary code with kernel privileges
  4. CVE-2022-26749 buffer overflow to execute arbitrary code with kernel privileges
  5. CVE-2022-26750 buffer overflow to execute arbitrary code with kernel privileges
  6. CVE-2022-26752 buffer overflow to execute arbitrary code with kernel privileges
  7. CVE-2022-26753 buffer overflow to execute arbitrary code with kernel privileges
  8. CVE-2022-26754 buffer overflow to execute arbitrary code with kernel privileges
  9. CVE-2021-44224 “multiple issues”
  10. CVE-2021-44790 “multiple issues”
  11. CVE-2021-44719 “multiple issues”
  12. CVE-2022-22720 “multiple issues”
  13. CVE-2022-22721 “multiple issues”
  14. CVE-2022-26697 out-of-bounds read for unexpected application termination or disclosure of process memory
  15. CVE-2022-26698 out-of-bounds read for unexpected application termination or disclosure of process memory
  16. CVE-2022-26736 out-of-bounds write to execute arbitrary code with kernel privileges
  17. CVE-2022-26737 out-of-bounds write to execute arbitrary code with kernel privileges
  18. CVE-2022-26738 out-of-bounds write to execute arbitrary code with kernel privileges
  19. CVE-2022-26739 out-of-bounds write to execute arbitrary code with kernel privileges
  20. CVE-2022-26740 out-of-bounds write to execute arbitrary code with kernel privileges
  21. CVE-2022-26694 inherit app permissions and access user data
  22. CVE-2022-26721 memory initialization to gain root privileges
  23. CVE-2022-26722 memory initialization to gain root privileges
  24. CVE-2022-26763 out-of-bounds access to execute arbitrary code with system privileges
  25. CVE-2022-26711 integer overflow to cause unexpected application termination or arbitrary code execution
  26. CVE-2022-26725 location information may persist after it is removed
  27. CVE-2022-26720 out-of-bounds write to execute arbitrary code with kernel privileges
  28. CVE-2022-26769 memory corruption to execute arbitrary code with kernel privileges
  29. CVE-2022-26770 out-of-bounds read to execute arbitrary code with kernel privileges
  30. CVE-2022-26748 out-of-bounds write for arbitrary code execution
  31. CVE-2022-26756 out-of-bounds to execute arbitrary code with kernel privileges
  32. CVE-2022-26701 race condition to execute arbitrary code with kernel privileges
  33. CVE-2022-26768 memory corruption to execute arbitrary code with kernel privileges
  34. CVE-2022-26743 out-of-bounds write to escalate to kernel privileges
  35. CVE-2022-26714 memory corruption to execute arbitrary code with kernel privileges
  36. CVE-2022-26757 use after free to execute arbitrary code with kernel privileges
  37. CVE-2022-26764 memory corruption to bypass kernel memory mitigations
  38. CVE-2022-26765 race condition to bypass Pointer Authentication
  39. CVE-2022-26706 access issue to circumvent sandbox restrictions
  40. CVE-2022-26767 to bypass Privacy preferences
  41. CVE-2022-26776 cause unexpected application termination or arbitrary code execution
  42. CVE-2022-26708 for unexpected application termination or arbitrary code execution
  43. CVE-2022-26775 integer overflow to cause unexpected application termination or arbitrary code execution
  44. CVE-2022-0778 invalid cert for denial of service
  45. CVE-2022-23308 use after free to cause unexpected application termination or arbitrary code execution
  46. CVE-2022-0778 invalid cert for denial of service
  47. CVE-2022-26712 vulnerable code to modify protected parts of the file system
  48. CVE-2022-26727 bypass entitlements to modify protected parts of the file system
  49. CVE-2022-26693 bypass checks to inherit application permissions and access user data
  50. CVE-2022-26746 vulnerable code to bypass Privacy preferences
  51. CVE-2022-26731 state management logic weakness to track users in Safari private browsing mode
  52. CVE-2022-26766 certificate parsing issue to bypass signature validation
  53. CVE-2022-26715 out-of-bounds write to gain elevated privileges
  54. CVE-2022-26718 out-of-bounds read to gain elevated privileges
  55. CVE-2022-26723 memory corruption for arbitrary code execution
  56. CVE-2022-26728 bypass entitlements to access restricted files
  57. CVE-2022-26704 validation issue to gain elevated privileges
  58. CVE-2022-26726 bypass checks to capture a user’s screen
  59. CVE-2022-26755 lack of sanitization to break out of a sandbox
  60. CVE-2022-26700 memory corruption for code execution
  61. CVE-2022-26709 use after free for arbitrary code execution
  62. CVE-2022-26710 use after free for arbitrary code execution
  63. CVE-2022-26717 use after free for arbitrary code execution
  64. CVE-2022-26716 memory corruption for arbitrary code execution
  65. CVE-2022-26719 memory corruption for arbitrary code execution
  66. CVE-2022-22677 logic issue so call may be interrupted
  67. CVE-2022-26745 memory corruption to disclose restricted memory
  68. CVE-2022-26761 memory corruption to execute arbitrary code with kernel privileges
  69. CVE-2022-26762 memory corruption to execute arbitrary code with system privileges
  70. CVE-2022-0530 bypass file state for denial of service
  71. CVE-2018-25032 memory corruption for unexpected application termination or arbitrary code execution
  72. CVE-2021-45444 arbitrary code execution

Whew! Even with sparse details and placeholder CVE records that’s still 24 mentions of kernel privileges and 2 root level. Can you figure out the one missing from this list?

Did Yahoo’s CISO Wreck Facebook?

There’s a buried lede in Newsweek analysis of the Meta problem with big data security.

“People are talking about Facebook as if it’s about to become the next MySpace or Yahoo,” says Daniel Salmon, an analyst who follows Meta for BMO Capital Markets…

It really begs the question what Facebook was thinking when it hired the inexperienced and unqualified CISO from Yahoo, as I’ve mentioned here many times before.

Yahoo soon after his departure was accused of “egregious misconduct” in record-setting privacy breaches that he had failed to disclose.

And then under his tenure Facebook had even larger record-setting privacy breaches, losing more trust faster than any other technology brand.

“The way it should be everywhere”: Catasauqua Ride-share Anti-racism

Anti-racism is a very real thing. It’s an important aspect of living a healthy life, like exercising regularly and eating healthy. Perhaps most interesting today is whether “driverless” cars (artificial intelligence) will be anti-racist.

Here’s a perfect example reported in The Morning Call, when a ride-share driver asks people to stop treating him like a hero for just doing the right thing.

“I appreciate it, truly,” he wrote. “But this is the way it should be everywhere, every time. I shouldn’t be “the guy” who did it or said it… we should all be that person. Speak up if you’re uncomfortable with [racism] because it makes [racists] uncomfortable, as they should be.”

The ride-share driver was called a “f—- n-lover” and threatened with physical violence after he objected to blatant racism from two passengers trying to hire him in Catasauqua, Pennsylvania, as the Philly Voice recalls.

“Oh, you’re like, a white guy,” the woman said.

“What’s that?” Bode said.

“Are you … are you … a white guy?” the woman replied.

“Excuse me?” Bode answered, shocked by the question.

“You’re like, a normal guy — like, you speak English?” the woman said, then apologized and patted Bode on the shoulder.

“No, you can get out of the car,” Bode said. “I’m going to cancel the ride. That’s inappropriate. It’s completely inappropriate. If somebody was not white sitting in this seat, what would be the difference?”

“Are you serious?” the woman asked.

At that point in the video, Bode began explaining to another man, just outside the car, what had happened and why he was canceling the ride. Bode informed the man and woman that the conversation was being captured on video.

“You’re a f***ing asshole. You’re a piece of s***,” the man said. “I should punch you in the f***ing face.”

“You’re going to threaten me? Assault?” Bode said. “You guys are racist f***s.”

“And you’re a f***ing asshole,” the man said. “F***ing N***** lover.”

Source: Philly Voice

The small town of Catasauqua (north of Allentown, population 6,509 and 90% white) has confirmed the woman in the video is Jackie Harford — owner of Fossil’s Last Stand at 429 Race St — and her companion is her boyfriend.

Source: Google Maps

The town’s sad history is that takes its name from the Lenape Native Americans who were then forcibly removed under the genocidal policies of President Andrew Jackson, so the land could be exploited in massive wealth generation schemes.

…by the early 1900s, Catasauqua had the highest concentration of millionaires per capita of any community in the nation.

The history of naming “Race St” is unclear but after this event perhaps it should be renamed Anti-Racism Street? Driverless cars need to be instructed clearly to continue this one man’s noble stand against local traditions of racism.

International condemnation has included the business page on Yelp being inundated with attempts at anti-racist imagery and commentary.

Are masks required or do customers need to bring their own white hood?

Source: Yelp
