Russian Leaders Continue Falling to Their Death After Criticizing Putin

First they killed his friend. Then they killed him.

According to Indian media reports, Antov died after he fell from a third-floor window at his hotel on Sunday.

His death comes just days after another Russian he was traveling with was also found dead. His travel companion, Vladimir Budanov, reportedly died at the same hotel on Friday.

Police Superintendent Vivekanand Sharma said that Budanov suffered a stroke and that Antov “was depressed after [his friend’s] death” and died by suicide.

If you didn’t know Indian police were easily corrupted by Russian bribes, now you do.

The BBC reported that Antov had criticized the Russian missile strikes in Ukraine last June on WhatsApp, saying that “it’s extremely difficult to call all this anything but terror.”

He later said the message was a result of a “technical error.”

Antov, who was featured on Forbes’s list of the richest Russian lawmakers in 2019, is the latest in a slew of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s critics to die under mysterious circumstances.

It’s really not that mysterious. Criticize Elon Musk, lose your freedom of speech. Criticize Putin, lose your life.

“We can almost certainly rule out the official explanation of the deaths as suicides or poor health,” University of South Carolina international business professor Stanislav Markus recently told Vox of the deaths…

  • Dmitry Zelenov fell down a flight of stairs
  • Viktor Cherkesov fell into severe illness
  • Alexander Buzakov died from “no causes”
  • Ravil Maganov fell from a sixth-floor hospital window
  • Anatoly Gerashchenko fell “from a great height” at the Moscow Aviation Institute
  • Leonid Shulman fell from despair
  • Alexander Tyulakov died from no causes

CNN counted at least twelve recent assassinations, hinting that Putin treats criticism of the Ukraine war as a simple litmus to murder powerful/wealthy independent thinkers.

This comes after three separate healthcare workers in 2020 who criticized how COVID-19 was managed… suddenly fell out of windows.

And that was after a 2018 journalist investigating mercenaries in Syria fell out of his window.

Death by window goes back quite a ways…

In related news, the newly appointed head of security at Twitter (whose resume magically added copious past risk management experience after taking the new job) abruptly lost her voice December 20th.

Her silence allegedly is because the Twitter CEO started targeting her with censorship tactics, after physically threatening her predecessor.

Update December 29:

The deaths of two Russian leaders in charge of producing weapons are being treated as related.

Alexander Buzakov, former general, suddenly passed away on December 24. Alexei Maslov, former Russian army commander and tank chief, suddenly passed away the next day (shortly after Putin cancelled a meeting with him).

Neither had any prior health issues.

Tesla Doesn’t Know What to Say Now That California Has Banned FSD

California has finally passed a law prohibiting careless promotion of a car as fully self-driving when that car is incapable of self-driving.

Everyone knows what car company is in trouble when we talk about full of shit driving (FSD) technology.

The California law seems pretty clear, and also evidence that Tesla has run out of time.

Senate Bill 1398 means Elon Musk’s grossly misleading statements are officially against the law.

Headline at the end of 2015:

Elon Musk Says Tesla Vehicles Will Drive Themselves in Two Years

Half a year later in 2016 he sounded like this:

The Tesla CEO spoke at the Code Conference on Wednesday night and predicted that we’re closer to self-driving cars than anybody thinks. “I think we are less than two years away from complete autonomy, safer than humans, but regulations should take at least another year,” Musk said.

Full self-driving announced in 2015 to be available by 2018?


By the way, “regulations should take at least another year” means what? It’s an anti-government jab based on nothing. A subtle reminder that Elon Musk’s statements are fluffy nonsense meant to confuse and excite listeners.

Even worse, of course, is that when 2019 rolled around Elon Musk didn’t get charged with committing fraud and Tesla products were not shut down.

He instead was emboldened, taking a “catch me if you can” tactic and expanding the lies as if nobody would stop him if he added more outlandish claims.

Deadline long gone, missed entirely, he says this on stage in 2019:

We expect to be feature complete in self driving this year, and we expect to be confident enough from our standpoint to say that we think people do not need to touch the wheel and can look out the window sometime probably around the second quarter of next year.

Feature complete yet it won’t have necessary features. Nonsense.

Here is how journalists reacted to his presentation in 2019:

Musk estimated that by the middle of 2020, Tesla’s autonomous system will have improved to the point where drivers will not have to pay attention to the road. […] “A year from now, we’ll have over a million cars with full self-driving, software… everything.” These cars will be Level 5 autonomy with no geofence, which is a fancy way of saying they will be capable of driving themselves anywhere on the planet, under all possible conditions, with no limitations.

“Full self-driving…everything”.

That egregious lie about delivery is not even the worst of it. Here’s more from 2019.

“My guess as to when we would think it is safe for somebody to essentially fall asleep and wake up at their destination? Probably towards the end of next year,” he said. “I think we will be feature complete, full self-driving, this year — meaning the car will be able to find you in a parking lot, pick you up, and take you all the way to your destination without an intervention — this year. “I would say I am of certain of that. That is not a question mark.”

Elon Musk was encouraging people in the very near future to fall asleep at the wheel.

And when that 2020 toxic fairie dust prediction failed, here he ramps up in 2020 again.

I remain confident that we will have the basic functionality for level five autonomy complete this year. There are no fundamental challenges remaining.

Basic functionality and level five autonomy completion are inherently contradictory phrases.

It’s like Elon Musk telling journalists that he expects to have basic functionality for brain surgery complete this year because he can handle a turkey carving for Thanksgiving.

And he callously boasted about all fundamental challenges to road safety being gone already in 2020.

That seems like an especially dangerous statement that would confuse buyers; directly result in death from use of his defective products.


Tesla “driverless” still in 2022 is repeatedly failing the most basic tests like staying in the road and driving the correct speed (lane assist + cruise control).

Tesla “Autopilot” crashed and burned trying to turn left on highway 405 when it curved right. Source: Business Insider, December 2022

Other car brands with superior sales numbers have zero crashes at all to report, while Tesla’s “driverless” software crashes so often it has been implicated in over 50 deaths.

Lies and lies and more lies…

Fast forward (as it’s so rediculous we even have to talk about such lies repeating year after year) and Tesla’s self-driving right now is a literal disaster with tragic investigations into hundreds of crashes.

The investigations come despite excessive censorship by Elon Musk, including attempts by Tesla to demand anyone using FSD be prevented from talking about their experiences.

Tesla employee John Bernal (YouTube: @AIAddict1) was fired in February 2022, for example, after he publicly shared a video of FSD crashing into a safety pylon.

Tesla announced on November 24 it expanded its version 10 “beta” ( self-driving software release to everyone in North America. Hours later a major crash of eight cars in SF was the headline news, not to mention a crash and explosion in LA.

Version 10 still gets called a “beta” to avoid accountability, announced to everyone as a production milestone to gin up credit, right before being implicated in major crashes on public roads.

Let that gaslighting sink in.

And also don’t forget the CEO told Wall Street in January 2022 that a version 11 “beta” was just weeks away from release, and then just said the same thing in December 2022 as if nobody sees the fraud.

Source: Twitter

This prediction for a December release also came after he chided people that he thought v11 already had been released the 11th day of the 11th month at 11:11 Pacific time.

No other car company so flagrantly flails at truth like this, yet you can be sure all of them are watching and wondering how much longer Musk’s crimes will pay.

Thus, as everyone surely knows, Tesla since 2016 has repeatedly falsely marketed itself delivering self-driving in the coming year or two, sadistically increasing pain with zero connection to reality of their promises.

Reality has been a rise in death caused by Elon Musk peddling unsafe design flaws for profit.

10 out of 10 “Driverless” Fatalities Were Caused by Tesla


Tesla autonomous technology 2.0 was worse than 1.0… everyone with integrity ran from the corruption.

Mobileye, world leader in autonomous driving, was blunt in 2016 about willful negligence.

Mobileye reveals it split from Tesla over Autopilot safety concerns.

NVidia was unfortunately far more diplomatic in 2018 when they called out Tesla management as liars and thieves.

Musk said Tesla’s [copy of NVidia] was 10 times faster than Nvidia’s at the same cost. Nvidia, though, has announced its own next-gen chip for autonomous driving called Pegasus, also with 10 times better performance.

Soon after that, NVidia published a study that ranked Tesla’s cheap knock-off engineering culture as least capable of all car companies.

Indeed, the Tesla CEO falsely claimed in his trash-talking split with NVidia that he was developing a vehicle computer that would never crash. The results are in and even brand new Tesla owners are terrified:

…if you are driving, and the computer crashes, which it has done many times, you are left with a blank screen – and no way of knowing what your car is doing.

Under a permanent improvisation culture of an unaccountable chief executive, Tesla safety quality declined with each year such that late releases of FSD software has been documented as more dangerous than ever.

Baseless future-leaning statements served both to artificially inflate stock value as if self-driving basically was delivered; yet also Tesla self-contradicted promises of near-term delivery by calling them longer term aspirations (to avoid blame for failing to deliver what they promised to wall street, while killing so many people).


It’s a simple tactic of criminals, known often as advanced free fraud (AFF), where victims are lured into paying into promises about fantasy returns that never can be realized.

Instead of the typical AFF scam email from an “African prince”, the South African CEO of Tesla promised people enrichment from giving him their money. Then they saw their car depreciate faster than the market average, if the car didn’t burn itself up or worse, and none of his promises came true.

California has just laid down a regulation ten years overdue.

Tesla undeniably made roads far less safe by negligently selling full of shit driving (FSD) software and falsely calling it self-driving.

There is no evidence Tesla has any clue what to do next, which is sadly consistent with their cars lacking real innovation since they first licensed and then stole a 2003 EV design.

Tesla 3am Garage Fire Burns House During XMas

A month ago on Thanksgiving I pointed out how a neighborhood had tried (and failed) to stop yet another Tesla fire.

Now I must point out during the Christmas holiday there was a Tesla fire in St. Louis.

The call came out around 3 a.m. from a home in the 400 block of Pasadena Avenue. While crews were arriving on scene, it was determined that a Tesla in the attached garage was on fire. […] News 4 was told the fire did extend into the home and caused further damage.

It’s worth noting that Tesla has been failing to prevent fires and ignoring victims for a long while; far worse than even a Ford Pinto. For an easy and obvious risk comparison, a Tesla can be expected to kill anyone anywhere anytime while the faulty Pinto required a collision from behind.

Total Tesla Fires as of 12/26/2022: 168 confirmed cases | Fatalities Involving a Tesla Car Fire Count: 50

The infamous Pinto was argued to have 23 cases as Ford was hauled under scrutiny and held accountable for design failure.

For another comparison, recent bad weather in America killed 49 people so far and is called “Blizzard of the Century”. Tesla fire deaths are at 50 and…

It has become a national security issue for any Tesla to sit in garages, let alone operate on roads, without coming under tailored versions of heavy/punitive vehicle safety regulations that Ford proved necessary long ago.

In related news, a Tesla in fraudulent “Autopilot” mode last month crashed into a freeway safety wall and then burst into flames in front of another Tesla.

The driver told Kaplan he had his 2018 Model X in Autopilot but “it suddenly veered hard to the left [as the 405 freeway curved right] and stopped against the wall.” […] Kaplan bought his Tesla about four months ago with 6,000 miles on the clock but said: “It has been a complete disappointment – software notwithstanding, the fit and finish are miserable.” He said he’s also experienced many frightening miscalculations by Autopilot in his Model X.

Typical Tesla scene, as captured by Tesla owner calling it seriously flawed engineering. Source: Business Insider

He’s not exaggerating about the quality issues (symptomatic of bad engineering culture and management). Thousands of formal complaints in 2022 from people buying new Teslas translated into the latest Model Y needing 14 recalls, and the latest Model 3 needing 13 recalls.

It’s hard to find a worse car company.

Kaplan clearly regrets thinking he was getting a deal buying a used Tesla after someone else wisely dumped it with just 6K miles. What possible reason now could he have to keep his lemon, especially after witnessing Tesla’s unique brand of failure and fire risk? It’s not even safe for him when parked.

Neighborhoods that naively allow Teslas should plan for families forced from roads and homes even on holidays, wasting huge amounts of community emergency resources on an easily predictable and preventable environmental disaster.