Finland Brags It Does Trust Better Than Other Countries

An experiment on trust was conducted by dropping 192 physical wallets in 16 cities.

Helsinki, which also boasts that it doesn’t believe in comparing itself to neighbors, seems to be very proud that 11 out of 12 wallets there were returned to the owner.

As the famous Finnish poet Eino Leino once wrote: “Kell’ onni on, se onnen kätkeköön” (Don’t compare or boast about your happiness).

Kell’ onni on, se onnen kätkeköön,
kell’ aarre on, se aarteen peittäköön,
ja olkoon onnellinen onnestaan
ja rikas riemustansa yksin vaan.

Ei onni kärsi katseit’ ihmisten.
Kell’ onni on, se käyköön korpehen
ja eläköhön hiljaa, hiljaa vaan
ja hiljaa iloitkohon onnestaan.

How can you trust the Finns if they boast about happiness while telling everyone they’re so happy because they don’t boast about being happy?

“Being honest is a characteristic of Finnish culture – at least if we compare to other cultures,” said Johannes Kananen, a lecturer at the Swedish School of Science at the University of Helsinki.

Uh huh, compare to others again?

Returning a wallet in Finland might be symptomatic of something besides trust, such as a security that comes from sustainability (lack of want).

How about this for a translation of the poem?

If there is luck, let it be your luck,
when there is treasure, may it be hidden treasure,
and let him be happy with his happiness
and rich in joy alone.

No luck comes in being seen as lucky.
If you’re lucky, let it be
and live quietly, just quietly
and silently rejoice in your happiness.

Accepting where you are, what you are, means something quite different from cities where people go to acquire, change and become something else.

In that sense, Finland may feel secure about things happening to them, rather than having trust to make things happen. They reject change, if you’ll pardon the easy pun.

They return wallets as symbolic of things they have come to believe should and will happen (as a matter of faith), not because they have more trust.

Compared to 11 other European countries, Finnish residents with African backgrounds experience the most racism, according to a new EU report.

Racism is clear evidence of lack of trust, and also can be resistance to change.

Germany Jails Doctor Who Sold COVID Mask Exemptions

The thing that perhaps bothers me the most about this case is the doctor charged so much for doing nothing.

A regional court in the southwestern town of Weinheim confirmed Tuesday that the doctor was convicted of “issuing incorrect health certificates” to people from across Germany, most of whom she had never met or examined.

In addition to the prison sentence she was handed a three-year work ban [along with nearly three years in jail] and ordered to pay 28,000 euros ($29,550), the sum she had received for issuing the medical certificates.

$30K was earned by telling people who were never seen or examined that they don’t need anything?

That sounds predatory and wrong regardless of COVID. The large profit, especially in a country with low cost healthcare, suggests it was always about the money to this doctor and nothing else.

It’s a basic corruption case, an example of a doctor with zero integrity who made society less safe by preying upon fears and beliefs.

The pandemic has highlighted problems like this in public health that probably wouldn’t have been caught otherwise. Germans are fortunate to have such a doctor banned from practice.

Yet Another Tesla Megapack Fire: Charging Station Closed New Year’s Day

Tesla is so prone to failure, you can be sure their “no holiday” culture always will be ruining someone’s holiday somewhere.

I’ve written here about a Thanksgiving fire and Christmas fire already.

Both were horrible tragedies for people who unfortunately had a Tesla in their neighborhood.

It’s time now of course to write about New Year’s Day.

This incident is smilar to a recent Megapack fire in California that shut down a major highway and forced residents to “shelter” from toxic fumes.

The fires in the energy storage systems at Moss Landing are reminiscent of incidents involving Tesla Megapacks in Australia. […] California Highway Patrol closed a section of Highway 1 and redirected traffic away from the facility for hours following the fire.

Here’s the Australian news they referenced, just to reiterate Tesla’s willful disregard for safety is an environmental disaster.

Australia’s Financial Review reported that the fire triggered a toxic smoke warning, and authorities instructed residents in nearby suburbs to close their doors and windows, and turn off heating and cooling systems.

Another large Tesla battery “pack” just burst into flames January 1st.

Tesla’s poorly engineered power cells sitting on a trailer caught fire, closing a Tesla station. Source: PlugShare
One Tesla owner claims they didn’t expect failure on the busiest day, while another tries to warn “on fire!!!”

The proprietary charging model of Tesla is the opposite of smart. Can you imagine failure rates if Ford required Ford gasoline from Ford stations? Tesla’s horrible closed minded engineering means you don’t have to imagine.

Members of a Tesla driver’s Facebook group reported waiting nearly three hours to charge their cars…. On Twitter, a Tesla car owner who braved the queue said: ‘Really upsetting to have whole family wait for two hours to charge car.’

Friends and family don’t let friends or family near anything to do with Tesla.

Tesla fires also are more dangerous than just environmental disasters and long wait times. Deaths have been dramatically increasing due to flaws made by inexperienced and rushed Tesla engineers, who are notoriously exhausted and yet being overworked by design.

Tesla “jealousy fire drill” management culture allegedly prefers workers lonely and desperate, even sleeping on the job, or they’re at risk of being fired for spending time with family (“disloyalty” to an attention sucking CEO).

When an employee asked the CEO for time to see family he was reprimanded as “definitely not on board with Tesla’s mission and values.”

Forced into long hours without breaks, including lack of holidays, workers turn into zombies with a “Tesla stare“.

The [Tesla CEO] wanted [employees] who were tough, unemotional and unempathetic and who had weak attachments to others, and [he] understood that withholding [benefits] would support that goal.

Even more to the point, Tesla safety declined predictably as basic health and safety were denied. All because a CEO doesn’t demonstrate any care about others, only about himself.

Tesla has tried to announce an “UNPAID PAID” Time Off (PTO) day to discourage workers from getting holiday time with their families.

Mega failure after mega failure…

Hundreds of Russian Soldiers Using Cell Phones Were Just Targeted and Killed

Russian soldiers newly arriving to occupied Makiivka, Ukraine were gathered together by Putin into a building next to a large ammunition depot and ordered to watch the dictator’s latest message.

Some, or even many, allegedly turned on their cell phones.

Such an obvious concentration of static, undisguised enemy targets sitting on top of explosives probably was impossible for Ukraine to overlook.

Then the Russians were dead.

Russia’s defence ministry said on Wednesday that 89 servicemen were killed in the Ukrainian attack on Makiivka over the weekend, adding the main reason for the attack was unauthorised use of mobile phones by the troops.

Russia wants to shift responsibility for all the massive loss of life onto the soldiers themselves, as if repeated pointless suicide missions with over 100,000 dead hasn’t yet been proven the fault of Putin himself.

The “main reason for the attack”?

Who are they kidding? Ukraine isn’t at war to stop cell phone use. I’d suggest the outcome might have been even worse for Russians without cell phones, since at least survivors could still surrender if they had one.

Ukraine’s estimate for their missile strike impact is in the hundreds (400 killed and 300 wounded). Given their accuracy in hitting occupation military targets at this point, they probably know casualty rates far better than Russia.

In other words, while Russia has been highly accurate at hitting non-targets (they just shoot at civilians and static critical infrastructure, neither posing any threat), Ukrainians are again demonstrating here the logical opposite: precisely wiping out entire military formations.