Tesla Hacked: Hardware Security Flaws Revealed

Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai has a scoop at TechCrunch on the German kids breaking Tesla because it’s so unfortunately easy.

Christian Werling, one of the three students at Technische Universität Berlin who conducted the research along with another independent researcher, said that their attack requires physical access to the car, but that’s exactly the scenario where their jailbreak would be useful.

“We are not the evil outsider, but we’re actually the insider, we own the car,” Werling told TechCrunch in an interview ahead of the conference. “And we don’t want to pay these $300 for the rear heated seats.”

Ironically, maybe, the thing people like about the car (sloppy and fast, easily changed) is the thing they should hate about the car (compromised safety).

The problem with Tesla is their opaqueness. If they handed out instructions and encouraged right-to-repair and modding (let alone admitted software isn’t “eating” anything — hardware upgrades remain necessary and essential to safety), that would be an entirely different world.

The researchers said they were also able to extract personal information from the car such as contacts, recent calendar appointments, call logs, locations the car visited, Wi-Fi passwords and session tokens from email accounts, among others. This is data that could be attractive to people who don’t own that particular car, but still have physical access to it.

Mitigating the hardware-based attack that the researchers achieved is not simple. In fact, the researchers said, Tesla would have to replace the hardware in question.

The researchers here are actually underselling their findings with a distracting dramatic flair on the conference circuit, in order to make a big splash yet low personal risk.

Extract personal information? Enable heated seats?

They remind me how wolves prefer fishing to hunting.

Hackers have sunk their teeth into Tesla, with a presentation coming soon on a conference stage for anyone who wants to do the same.

Tesla hardware security is provably compromised, requiring an expensive update for safety. The “self-driving” and navigation features, or even worse, now have been seriously exposed in ways Tesla is likely in no position to manage properly.

Historian Unearths Footage of the 1945 “Miracle at Farsleben”

Multiple reports and interviews have blossomed out of a well-known historian’s discovery of video footage from 1945, which clearly documents the moment U.S. soldiers liberated thousands from a Nazi death camp train.

On April 7, 1945, 2,500 Jewish prisoners from Bergen-Belsen concentration camp were put on the train and were set to be transported to Theresienstadt. However, on April 13, the train was forced to stop near the town of Farsleben due to bombings by Allied forces advancing in the area. Some of those on board escaped the train and met up with soldiers from the 30th Division of the US Army who then returned to liberate those still trapped in the carriages.

When the handful of Nazi soldiers guarding the train saw an American tank and jeep coming over the hill, they fled. US soldiers then flung open the doors to the carriages and the occupants poured out.

George Gross, a tank commander, said: “Everyone looked like a skeleton, so starved, their faces sick. And there was something else. When they saw us, they began to laugh with joy, if you can call it laughter. It was more like an outburst of pure, almost hysterical relief.”

As prisoners encountered the liberating troops, a Jewish US soldier, Abraham Cohen, told them “Ich bin euech a Yidd,” a Yiddish phrase meaning “I am also a Jew,” and then showed them a Star of David hanging around his neck.

Matthew A. Rozell, who specializes in teaching about the Holocaust, has posted the video and blogged more details at his site TeachingHistoryMatters.com

CA Tesla Spontaneously Combusts in Junkyard Months After Crash

Although junkyards reportedly have been filling up fast with new Tesla that fail under 10,000 miles, they may soon no longer accept the unique fire risks of such a poorly engineered vehicle.

When crews arrived, they found the black Tesla Model S, which had been lifted on a rack, in flames. The vehicle had been involved in a collision several months ago and had been sitting idle when it “spontaneously caught fire.” […] Firefighters were “unable to move it to a safe location to burn out,” and firefighters were hampered by the vehicle being blocked in by “millions of dollars in salvaged vehicles including Ferraris, Lamborghinis and Bentleys.” The fire, which took more than an hour to put out, remains under investigation. Similar “spontaneous” fires have been reported across the capital region in the past year, including a Tesla that caught fire on Highway 99 in May, a Tesla that burst into flames on Highway 50 in January and a Tesla that reignited multiple times in a wrecking yard last year.

Similar fires in a yard full of every vehicle make?

Tesla, Tesla, and… wait for it… Tesla.

UT Tesla Kills Three in Massive Fire After “Veered” Crash Into Tree

Another day, another Tesla has burned its passengers alive after a veered crash into a tree.

You’re looking at a tree completely knocked off its roots.

Investigators say they found the bodies after putting the fire out, reiterating the fatal flaw with Tesla’s poorly designed door controls.

As commenters have pointed out many times, the emergency procedure for a Tesla door makes it a death trap.

The problem is that very few people know where these emergency releases are…. To make matters worse, Tesla does not instruct customers about that and does not label these releases in its cars. All info is restricted to the manuals and EGRs, which are only digital. If the vehicle fails or crashes, it is very unlikely that they will be accessible. […] To reach the manual releases for the rear doors, you have to remove a rubber mat at the bottom of their storage boxes. After that, you have to open a small plastic lid, which the TFL folks only managed to do with a flat-head screwdriver. Again, it is a procedure that demands tools and accurate information. Imagine if the car is on fire just after a crash…

We don’t have to imagine. The number of people killed in their Tesla from fire has grown to over 70, more than three times higher than the Ford Pinto.