Facebook Charged in Meta Conspiracy to Cause Psychological Damage to Children

President Reagan increasingly is examined for his divisive inhumane neglect of harms, which means his extreme right platform enabled genocide, facilitated war crimes, promoted racism, ignored cancer and AIDS, and even harmed children. Source: Headline, NYT, November 1988

We’ve known since forever that Facebook was created by a guy who set out to hurt young women.

Quick recap: His time at Harvard was spent stealing personal data from female students to create a website where he could direct hate at them. After Harvard’s women of color filed a formal complaint, he was investigated by Harvard for privacy violations. Then the school abruptly let him go without penalty, instead becoming an early investor in his new startup… Facebook. Such a classic Harvard story. Why don’t they turn it into a children’s book about wild success from doing the wrong things?

Fast forward to today and basically anyone in America who cares about protecting children from dangerous online content is trying to undo Harvard’s predatory folly.

A group of 42 attorneys general is suing Meta, alleging that features on its Facebook and Instagram social media platforms are addictive and are aimed at kids and teens, the group announced Tuesday. The support from so many state attorneys general of different political backgrounds indicates a significant legal challenge to Meta’s business.

It doesn’t just indicate a legal challenge.

It indicates universal distrust in the platform across all parties. All sides are uniting, all coming together on the central point that Facebook has been intentionally harming children.

…for all of the attorneys general from both parties, people who frequently disagree very vocally and very publicly, to all come together and to move in the same direction, I think that says something.

It reminds me of the time Facebook’s high profile, highly paid, yet incompetent “security” chief personally facilitated atrocity crimes. It was easily avoidable, entirely unnecessary, and then Facebook enabled genocide because nobody outside stopped them.

We have been witness to calculating and cruel people who use their power and influence to commit lasting societal harms for personal profits, facing no real accountability. They wouldn’t even stop themselves when being warned of imminent genocide. That’s basically the whole and ongoing story of Facebook, to do wrong and undermine opposition.

Let me put it like this. Genocide was being organized on its platform, such that all Facebook had to do was turn off one small East-Asian country. It had basically zero impact to Facebook to turn it off, had nothing to gain leaving it on, yet massive risk was ignored for years. They just sat back and helped a slow march into genocide.

In the end, there was so little for Facebook to gain from its continued presence in Burma, and the consequences for the Rohingya people could not have been more dire.

Mind you I deleted my account 2009, as explained a long time ago here, when I saw the many reasons (not least of all the Russian influence) that it would never be safe to use by anyone. So it’s not like this whole time they didn’t have more red flags than a birthday party for Stalin.

On that note, Facebook focuses its massive security budget on incredibly Machiavellian political tactics to undermine safety regulators and prevent anyone from stopping harms.

Political divides are cynically deepened, in a classic Russian anti-democratic strategy, to discredit critics. Look at the whistleblower case of Frances Haugen. Facebook on one hand warned Republican lawmakers she was a left wing political activist who wanted to silence conservative voices. Then on the other hand they warned Democrat lawmakers she was a right wing operative of Republicans serving to punish Facebook for banning Trump. They played both sides, deepening cracks in oversight, to prevent any accountability forming.

But does Facebook just hate oversight, or do they really grasp harms being done by them to the most vulnerable populations?

To me it looks like the latter.

After research showed 13% of suicidal teen girls in the UK traced their first suicidal thought to Instagram, Meta decided to launch Instagram Kids. It would be like Exxon reading about VW diesel-gate and then announcing a “rolling coal” club. Remember the Facebook origin story about a frustrated male Harvard student (targeting female students who had rejected his unwanted advances)? There is a pattern.

When Facebook’s own research showed that their algorithms were a form of “psychological permission” for dangerous extremism, the Facebook CEO blocked any fix. Worse, he figured out a way to promote extremism. Facebook research also found that posts being tagged with an “angry face” emoji indicated higher engagement. So the CEO ordered that posts making people angry would be prioritized five times higher than other posts.

Facebook even hired notoriously extreme right wing lobbyist Joel Kaplan to push hard on the theory of protecting attackers from their victims. For example Kaplan blocked exposure of harms from Russian influence campaigns. This is not as outlandish as it might sound. Stanford, a genocidal brand of its own and school for many Facebook staff, has been well known for coddling abuse as a form of power and privilege.

Kaplan stepped in to ensure disinformation would flow from specific known bad actors, as if channeling President Reagan’s ads promoting cigarettes (before they killed tens of millions of Americans and he still refused to oppose tobacco). The news tab is supposedly regulated by internal counts of “strikes”. However, Breitbart continues to stand at bat on the news despite repeatedly and egregiously failing at accuracy. Kaplan coddled them so their lies became untouchable, undermining the entire concept of Facebook following even the simplest of safety rules, let alone morals.

As conservative users on Facebook showed a very predictable slide into radical extremism after being exposed to Breitbart and similar disinformation, it again was Kaplan who made sure harm was not blocked. Even as Nazism was facilitated and witnessed, those at Facebook who tried to intervene and introduce safety were reversed.

In a similar vein, Facebook kept a group on the platform for a year after the FBI designated it a domestic terror threat. They didn’t just watch, they studied the group and celebrated its ability to cause dangerously fast (1 day) radicalization: “Carol’s Journey to QAnon“.

Something like this image (a mashup by me) representing weaponized social media may be the next addition to The Atlantic “Brief Visual History of Weapons”.

I could go on, but the point should perhaps be clear that the harms of Facebook to society are entirely intentional; weapons studied and battles expanded. And society has done a poor job of protecting itself by failing to move the discussion back into the middle ground of humanism.

This maybe will change as everyone finally seems to agree that the horrible avoidable harms done to children are universally condemned. As one Boston Globe writer put it clearly:

Many were killed by presidential neglect…

Meta has been deploying extremist political strategies meant to fracture democratic governance, weaken democracy, and force a hard-right shift to private exploitative control of society. The latest news however suggests their free reign may be facing a real challenge from the sleeping giant known as the moderate middle.

Elon Musk Blames Racism on Victims of Racism

Another day, another messy thoughtless political flareup by Elon Musk. The man obviously can’t stop erratically shooting messengers in his clumsy attempts to protect and promote hate speech.

The tactic he uses often mirrors well-known Nazi propaganda, where anyone reporting harms is blamed for those harms. Like if someone said systemic racism in America has resulted in positions of power held only by white men, they would be accused by Elon Musk of expressing bias against white men.

Kristallnacht in November 1938 is just one of many examples of this turnabout.

The German government made an immediate pronouncement that “the Jews” themselves were to blame for the pogrom [instigated and orchestrated by Nazi officials] and imposed a fine of one billion Reichsmark (some 400 million US dollars at 1938 rates) on the German Jewish community. The Reich government confiscated all insurance payouts to Jews whose businesses and homes were looted or destroyed, leaving the Jewish owners personally responsible for the cost of all repairs.

Victims of systemic racism were blamed for it; Jews falsely accused of being the ones causing all the trouble that Nazis directed at them.

We learn from history that the act of silencing critics, by illogically assigning blame to them, is not something to be taken lightly as it often accelerates harms. And yet Elon Musk is one of the biggest speech censors on the Internet given how he tries to cancel all criticism he dislikes.

Tesla has ballooning technical safety issues precisely because his engineers work hardest at hiding important safety criticisms from the CEO.

They are literally killing people with negligent disregard for those who report harms.

Who can forget this episode, for example?

Source: My presentation at MindTheSec 2021

To be clear, those of us in 2016 who reported that Elon Musk’s fraudulent claims about “driverless” were going to get people killed… were accused by Elon Musk of getting people killed.

See the problem with such word games?

Tesla in fact then began killing more, and more, and more people… all the while trying to blame it on someone, anyone else.

Source: Tesladeaths.com

In other words if we had accused him of racism (i.e. his work environment has been repeatedly judged by courts as obviously racist) he would have called us the racists even as he kept on barking about “his struggle” (mein Kampf) to personally intervene and stop extinction of the white race.

Here’s one thread to observe:

This fascist (Romanian “bronze age pervert” adherent) account spreads racist hate speech with “blood purity” mythology and “replacement theory” fraud. Source: eXtwitter
The same account has announced intention to commit acts of violent racist domestic terrorism. Source: eXtwitter
Elon Musk then elevated the known hate speech account, likely inciting violence, by replying that a Robert E. Lee statue being melted is evidence “They absolutely want your extinction”. Who is they? Source: eXtwitter

And here is another one, from an attempt to meddle in Scotland politics.

A spokesperson for Yousaf said on Friday: “The first minister has been on the receiving end of racist hate, abuse and death threats his entire life, and has stood firm against hatred and bigotry, of any kind, throughout.

“Sadly, much of the racist abuse and threats of violence the first minister faces are directed his way on X. Mr Musk should use his position to tackle racism and hatred that goes unchecked on the social media platform he owns.”


Musk, the owner of Tesla, Space X and the social media site X, formerly known as Twitter, reacted to a 45-second clip of Yousaf listing all the senior public posts in Scotland held by white people, which was posted on X by an anonymous account called End Wokeness.

The account, which has a paid-for blue verification mark, accused Yousaf, who is Scotland’s first ethnic minority first minister, of “openly despising white people”. It said: “Why would Scotland’s parliament and King select a guy who hates almost 100% of the country?”

Musk replied: “What a blatant racist!”

Got that?

A public servant who has spent his life being anti-racist, who has dedicated himself to protecting people from racism, gets accused of being the racist by an infamously racist troll (from a racist family) who has used ill-gotten wealth to convert Twitter into a racist hate speech spigot. The truth is fairly obvious here, right?

Backwards and upside down, Musk keeps repeating the worst and most ignorant mistakes in history as if he found a magic loophole to avoid accountability for being racist.

Also note the role of a blue verification mark. It has come to represent little more than troll accounts either paid for by Russia or coin-operated mules trying to juice attention.


Putin Assassinates Yet Another Russian Oil Executive

February 2022 Lukoil called for peace in Ukraine. September 2022 Lukoil chairman Ravil Maganov fell to his death from a Moscow hospital window. Lukoil was forced to state that he “passed away following a severe illness.”

Reports of recent high profile assassinations in Russia, as previously mentioned, have now put the total at 40 people dead.

That’s the same number as people killed with Tesla Autopilot. Which is worse?

Here’s the latest, another oil baron:

A top executive at Russia’s second-biggest oil company has become the third person to die suddenly in the past 18 months at the firm, which last year took a public stand over Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.

Chairman of Lukoil Vladimir Nekrasov died after suffering acute heart failure, the company said on Tuesday. It did not respond to a request for further comment.

Mr Nekrasov replaced the previous head of Lukoil’s board Ravil Maganov in September last year, after he died falling from a hospital window, according to state-run news agency TASS.

Putin has even ordered his critic’s spouse and children killed, just like the families killed in a gruesome “veered” Tesla crash.

Is it any wonder how penalty of death means nobody in Russia dares to show any real thought or competence, just like under Tesla management?

More and more Tesla death court cases reveal that engineers are focused on avoiding or burying criticism, instead of on fixing their growing numbers of fatal design flaws.

Tesla engineer Ashok Elluswamy testified in court July 2022 how “Autopilot” AI had been an intentional fraud from its start, killing nearly 40 owners.

And so the death toll rises from these dictators who even collaborate.

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday praised Elon Musk, calling [sabotage of Ukraine communications the work of his] “talented businessman.”

Which is more likely now, Americans dying in a Tesla “driverless” crash or Russians falling to their death from a Moscow hospital window?

Court Disclosure: Tesla “Veered” Crashes a Known Deadly Defect Since 2017

Tesla not only knew its cars were suddenly “veering” and killing owners, it gave this deadly design flaw a name when it decided to not fix it six years ago.

Jonathan Michaels, who represents the passengers, showed jurors a 2017 internal Tesla safety analysis identifying “incorrect steering command” as a defect, involving an “excessive” steering wheel angle.

“They predicted this was going to happen. They knew about it. They named it,” Michaels said. Tesla developed a protocol to deal with customers who experienced it, he said, and instructed employees to accept no liability or responsibility for the problem.

This coverup helps prove one of the reasons, out of the seemingly growing list, why Tesla crash fatally far more than other cars.

The latest ADAS safety data published by the NHTSA indicates Tesla now has a fatality rate of one out of every ten crashes.

In related news, photos of the Tesla Truck are circulating that show a dangerous control arm design failure.

New Tesla Truck control arm before use
Used Tesla Truck control arm after initial use

Control arms are crucial components for safety, yet Tesla continues its terrible record of cheap unreliable designs that fail catastrophically.

“Nice $80k black hole for money that almost got us killed. Thanks a lot Elon.” Complaint filed for safety failure on brand new Tesla. Source: Jalopnik, which also includes a flurry of bizarre Twitter attacks on this complaint as context of “…you really have to hand it to Tesla for inspiring this degree of crazy, evidence-denying loyalty among their fans. […] It’s a strange part to fail, though, really. It is a part subject to intense stresses, but it’s not like it’s particularly complex or poorly understood—this is some Cars 101 shit right here. It’s a control arm. No need to call SpaceX to consult, because this is absolutely not rocket science. This is also the kind of failure, that, were it to happen at speed, could potentially cause a wreck that could result in, potentially, people getting hurt. A week-old car should not have problems like this. Hell, a car a decade or more old shouldn’t have control arms just snapping. This is ridiculous. and the idea that a car with no evidence of a major accident shouldn’t have this covered by warranty is absurd as well.”

Compare a cheap and flimsy stamped metal plate in the new/used Tesla photos above with this known safe truck design. The difference is hopefully obvious.

Properly designed upper control arm for trucks

You might think that Tesla would have thought about this a lot after making over 700,000 Model 3 using an obviously bad design with dangerously failing control arms. But no, they don’t seem to think at all about real safety.

The problem is simple enough to identify: The water channels from the Tesla windshield drain directly onto the control arms on the left and right front corners of the vehicles. Because the OE control arms are a plastic and steel composite component, and had been designed with insufficient moisture protection, the plastic overmold can crack or delaminate, causing water to seep into the ball joint – eventually impacting the lifespan of the part and, in rare cases, compromising steering precision.

Calling it rare cases of failure is being too generous. Even one catasrophic control arm failure is too many.

Related: Dangerous Tesla accelerator pedal design flaw has been unfixed for a decade. Somehow owners are still surprised when it breaks.