Deafening Silence: Gross Disparity in Global Discourse on Sudan and Gaza

In the global conversation on conflicts, while Gaza frequently captures international attention Sudan remains in the background and mostly if not completely ignored. This stark contrast is not merely coincidental but highlights a concerning imbalance in the way we engage with and allow humanity to address two crises in the world.

Gaza’s struggles in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict are widely discussed, attracting protests and attention from various corners, especially in major cities like London where people march in the streets to proclaim they “don’t care about Hamas” and gather major news.

The marchers want a cease-fire, and then a political solution. I asked one woman if she thought Hamas wanted that too. “I don’t care about Hamas,” she said.

Pretty raw for someone to demand a cease-fire while saying to reporters they don’t care about the terrorist organization known to use any cease-fire to commit mass civilian suffering and murders.

Meanwhile the protracted conflict in Sudan, particularly in regions like Darfur, fails to elicit the same level of outcry or activism about a cease-fire. If solutions and demands are so trivially displayed, without any level of introspection or understanding, why speak only of Gaza?

The question arises: Why is there so much intentional and willful silence on Sudan when the suffering of people demands at least equal consideration?

The city of London perhaps serves as a litmus to compare protest sizes and narratives, relative to people harmed around the world by militant terror campaigns. While Gaza’s situation under a Hamas reign of terror since 2006 is undeniably urgent and deserving of international concern, the muted response to Sudan’s plight from even greater levels of devastation raises issues of unequal visibility and advocacy. The absence of widespread protests in places like London for the people of Sudan underscores the need for a more balanced approach to global crises.

It is imperative to bridge this gap in awareness, analysis and activism, recognizing that suffering knows no geographical bounds. By shedding more light on the overlooked crises, we can apply comparative work towards a more equitable distribution of attention, resources, and diplomatic efforts. The people of Sudan, much like those elsewhere under attack, deserve to have their stories heard, their struggles acknowledged, and their quest for peace supported on the world stage.

The UNICEF Statement of November 6 for example landed on the world stage with virtually no acknowledgement, no registration in the news, of an absolutely massive tragedy unfolding since just last April.

Sudan is now the largest child displacement crisis in the world, with a recorded 3 million children fleeing widespread violence in search of safety, food, shelter and health care—most within Sudan—while hundreds of thousands are sheltering in sprawling make-shift camps in neighboring countries.

“Children continue to bear the heaviest brunt of the violence. Some 14 million children in Sudan are in urgent need of life-saving humanitarian assistance. Many of them are living in a state of perpetual fear—fear of being killed, injured, recruited or used by armed actors.

The largest crisis in the world. Three million children fleeing. Six million displaced. UNICEF reports this recent war in Sudan means nearly 700,000 children are on the brink of death right now.

To describe such a massively massive crisis plainly and simply, Al Jazeera reports that Arab militias “under the banner of the RSF” are committing genocide.

Former President Omar al-Bashir exacerbated these tensions by pitting tribes against each other as part of a divide-and-rule strategy. In 2003, he armed Arab tribal militias and tasked them with crushing a mostly non-Arab rebellion, which started with protests against Darfur’s economic and political marginalisation.

About 300,000 people died in combat as well as from famine and disease brought on by the conflict. Rights groups and the UN accused these government-backed militias – known to victims as the janjaweed, or “devils on horseback” – of carrying out ethnic cleansing.

These same militias are now fighting alongside or under the banner of the RSF.

“They want to ethnically cleanse us,” said Nahid Hamid, a Masalit human rights lawyer who spoke to Al Jazeera from Cairo, Egypt where she now lives.

Hamid shared a video with Al Jazeera that she found over social media weeks ago that shows an RSF fighter holding a machine gun and speaking to the camera.

In the background, another fighter can be heard saying in Arabic, “Land of the Masalit? There is no more land for the Masalit.”

What if we called them Hamas instead of RSF, would people care more about these atrocities related to pushing an ethnic group off their land?

If a terrorist in Sudan saying in Arabic “there is no more land” sounds familiar, it’s because you might have heard a similar phrase repeated in London recently during the Gaza protests.

…the widespread use at this march of the chant, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.” Many British and American Jews, among others, hear this as an anti-Semitic demand to obliterate Israel, the world’s only Jewish state.

“End of the Masalit” is a campaign, like the “river to the sea” campaign. Where do these similar “occupying land and demographic change” conflicts collide for the protestors, especially given the shocking magnitude of the suffering in Sudan?

In related news, on October 9th Sudan and Iran suddenly resumed diplomatic relations, two days after Iranian-backed terrorists successfully launched widespread coordinated attacks on civilians in and around Gaza. After the fall of Sudan’s leader Bashir, were any terrorist attacks of Hamas funded or trained via Sudan?

Following Terrorist Attack on Israel, Treasury Sanctions Hamas Operatives and Financial Facilitators… Hamza has facilitated funds for Hamas through a network of large companies in Sudan.

My wild guess is historians will look back at 2023 records and see the Russian Wagner group in Belarus abruptly picking up camp and moving to Sudan, training and supplying militants there under the cover of the last cease-fire by Israel, before sending the Hamas terror group on to commit mass atrocities on civilians (both in and around Gaza) in early October.

“Free Speech Absolutist” Elon Musk Begs Courts to Protect Him From Speech

In April 2022 I warned Elon Musk would turn Twitter into a hate speech platform. Seems like just yesterday. Now the platform claims to be dying, directly related to its engorged and self-inflicted affirmation of hate.

Hate speech is bad for customers, bad for business, and of course bad for society. Nothing really new there. You’d think a rational business guy wouldn’t dare throw away a business only to affirm and spread hate such as antisemitism, yet that’s exactly one of the hard lessons of Nazism (e.g. Siemens suicidially affirming and enabling Hitler).

Source: TechCrunch

Elon Musk took over Twitter with a decidedly anti-business anti-society antagonist standpoint that resembled the obnoxious antisemitic political campaigns of his grandfather, repeating multiple times he was opposed to safety filters and wanted to bring back hate speech.

Elon Musk’s Twitter has dissolved its Trust and Safety Council, the advisory group of around 100 independent civil, human rights and other organizations that the company formed in 2016 to address hate speech, child exploitation, suicide, self-harm and other problems on the platform. […] Those former council members soon became the target of online attacks after Musk amplified criticism of them…

Got that?

Musk dissolved the safety group that had been setup to stop hate, under his pretense of not caring about anything (not even money) other than increasing unlikable speech online. He then directly targeted those people he had just removed, trying to harm them with amplification of the kinds of online attacks that they formerly would have been able to stop.

African dictatorships have been known for this kind of nonsense, where they jail any former leader on bogus charges after taking control of the courts and firing the judges.

He repeatedly kept making such sad, petty and clownish mistakes while hate speech predictably exploded on the site. His “banana republic” model of platform management quickly began rotting its ability to function, dumping professionalism and talent at Twitter to replace it with lame fealty and immature belligerence, pivoting towards “harm by design“.

Just like racist and corrupt African dictatorships he didn’t see such harm as a mistake, however, because allegedly he so badly wanted to amplify some very specific strains of dangerous racism and antisemitism (the ones he personally agreed with) that nothing else mattered.

For him, “free speech” seems merely a vehicle for his delusional plan to make Twitter into a fawning “digital [Turd Reich]” that he presides over.

Twitter –> X (swastika)
Tweets –> eXcrements
Democracy –> Turd Reich

That’s the best way to explain why the falsely self-titled “free speech absolutist” is crying like a baby now about some speech he didn’t like, saying that he will bombard the legal system until it bends to his will and silences those he disagrees with.

In previewing X’s argument, Musk appeared not to dispute the results of Media Matters’ analysis, instead targeting the group for having created a test account…

Legal experts on technology and the First Amendment widely characterized X’s complaint on Monday as weak and opportunistically filed in a [Trump judge] court that Musk likely believes will take his side.

“It’s one of those lawsuits that’s filed more for symbolism than for substance—as reflected in just how empty the allegations really are, and in where Musk chose to file, singling out the ultra-conservative Northern District of Texas despite its absence of any logical connection to the dispute,” said Steve Vladeck, a law professor at the University of Texas…

“This reads like a press release, not a court filing to me,” said Joan Donovan, a professor of journalism and emerging media studies at Boston University. “X does admit the ads were shown next to hateful content…”

“This lawsuit is riddled with legal flaws, and it is highly ironic that a platform that touts itself as a beacon of free speech would file a bogus case like this that flatly contradicts basic First Amendment principles and targets free speech by a critic,” First Amendment attorney Ted Boutrous told CNN.

The stupidly of the actual filing reveals it is entirely political, not at all about laws. In fact, it’s a sloppy rejection of law and order, full of flip-flopping contradictions characteristic of permanent improvisation to avoid accountability (hypocrisy typical of dictatorships).

Musk didn’t dispute the main report finding, because it’s so obviously true.

Holy shit. If you search HeilHitler, you get a ton of ads. I literally just got the German Government’s ‘come live in Germany’ ad on the search,” wrote independent journalist Erin Reed. “The German Govt is literally accidentally advertising to Hitler searchers to ‘come live in Germany.’ Media Matters was not lying.

Media Matters was not lying. The filing is not about the law.

The basis of the empty and politicized complaint by Musk is that if someone uses the Swastika filled hate platform, its owner Elon Musk wants to politically deny their right to speak about anything they see even if they speak about it anywhere else.

There’s precedent for this in American history, if you study the years just before Civil War. American journalists were murdered if they dared to even speak about hate acts, such as reporting how many innocent Blacks were tortured, lynched, and mutilated by white nationalist mobs.

Does the name Elijah Lovejoy ring any bells? No? What about the name of this other guy?

You might have gathered the police didn’t intervene. You might also have figured out also that nobody, not a single attacker, was held responsible. Officials in Illinois and even newspapers went mostly quiet.

There was one very notable exception by a twenty-eight year old representative of the state who spoke out against lawlessness destroying freedom of speech — vigorously denouncing mobs that “throw printing presses into rivers, shoot editors”.

His name was Abraham Lincoln.

Now does Lovejoy ring a bell? Still no? Here’s what Lincoln said about him.

Lovejoy’s tragic death for freedom in every sense marked his sad ending as the most important single event that ever happened in the new world.

The most important single event that ever happened in the new world! This should come to mind as Elon Musk boasts that he will shove his piles of ill-gotten money at angry mobs and corrupt politicians to aggressively attack and silence anyone who says things he does not like.

Elon Musk clearly is on the wrong side of history. He basically is leaning into old corrupt circles of racist oppression and hate in American politics to drive the country backwards towards its horrible past before Lincoln: destroy freedom of the press while claiming to be the only source of truth.

“When Republicans vow to use state power against critics of Musk, they aren’t merely promising to shield this billionaire’s business interests from his own expressions of antisemitism,” [Washington Post columnist] Sargent wrote. “They’d also wield state power to corruptly protect someone who is marshaling his immense power over our information ecosystem to privilege and elevate that worldview.”

That’s the most 1830s Andrew Jackson paragraph I’ve read in a while.

Republicans are basically testing whether they can end democracy in America like it has been tried and failed before. Missouri and Texas courts seem “unrelated” to the casual law expert, but historians easily can explain why they were chosen by Musk — for racist and corrupt reasons.

Source: Twitter

Green Beret Says Tesla Autopilot Nearly Killed Him and Now Its Insurance Wants to Finish the Job

Sad story from a combat veteran.

“I’m a former Green Beret,” Bova said, referring to the U.S. Army Special Forces. “[Tesla Autopilot] was probably the second-most traumatic thing I’ve gone through other than being in combat.”

First, Special Forces training apparently needs to work on counter-intelligence. No soldier, especially a Green Beret, ought to be willingly strapping themselves into anything branded Tesla.

Second, and perhaps still on that note, “other than combat” misses the point. A robot made by Tesla that attempts to kill an American soldier IS COMBAT if not domestic terrorism.

The 2016 Tesla killing of Josh Brown, ex-Navy SEAL, should have drawn a very bright line in society. The 2018 deaths from Tesla AI were unnecessary and gratuitous, and it’s only gotten worse since (unlike every other car manufacturer combined).

Tesla is the worst engineered vehicle on the road, by far. Crashing and killing far more people than all other brands combined. Source: Washington Post

We knew back then, as we know from courts now, that Tesla Autopilot was a dangerous failure intentionally over-promoted to squeeze customers for money before throwing their lives away.

Surely by 2018 there could have been a simple and logical national security mandate: no military in Tesla, no Tesla in military.


Alas, Bova was somehow fooled into dangerous advanced fee fraud of Tesla cars and insurance, and is lucky to still be alive. Except, the toxic management culture of Tesla is now trying hard to make him unlucky.

His ordeal isn’t over. Tesla Insurance, launched in 2019 by the electric-car company, has promised policyholders “vastly better” service than rivals, as Tesla chief Elon Musk put it in April 2022. Musk also said he aimed to offer “same-day” collision repairs. But Bova says he has been battling the insurer ever since the crash.

He said he waited seven months for payment on the totaled vehicle and still hasn’t been compensated for about $50,000 in medical expenses. That required a call to the automaker’s product liability department because the crash involved Autopilot, he was told. He waited on hold for hours and got hung up on four times, he said. When someone finally answered, the person promised another callback in two weeks. Four months later, he’s still waiting.

The article goes on to point out that Tesla insurance is truly dysfunctional, untrustworthy and even cruel.

Elon Musk, like always, quickly delivered the worst possible product in the industry while promising investors a giant fantasy. The life and death consequences of his lies have been real.

Will Bova’s lament be heard? Will the military finally ban Tesla to prevent another story like his? Will the Tesla robots be classified as threats to national security?

Judge: Tesla Knew Driverless Was Dangerously Defective Yet Spread It Anyway

Well duh. Finally a judge says what everyone knows.

A judge has found “reasonable evidence” that Elon Musk and other executives at Tesla knew that the company’s self-driving technology was defective but still allowed the cars to be driven in an unsafe manner anyway, according to a recent ruling issued in Florida.

Palm Beach county circuit court judge Reid Scott said he’d found evidence that Tesla “engaged in a marketing strategy that painted the products as autonomous” and that Musk’s public statements about the technology “had a significant effect on the belief about the capabilities of the products”.

Can you believe it turns out that the same guy who profited from Apartheid and spends his time shamelessly spreading dangerous anti-semitic conspiracies like he’s Henry Ford trying to help Hitler take over… also doesn’t care about all the people dying from his words and actions?

We’ve seen multiple engineers from Tesla testify that Elon Musk personally demanded fraudulent “driverless” be used as a tactic to promote their cars over the competition. Dieselgate of VW causing health concerns should be seen as a drop in the bucket, barely on the scale of intent to harm, when it is compared to Tesla killing dozens of people with intentional lies.

Related: Elon Musk Trolls Court and Victims in Autopilot Death Trial

Tesla’s CEO promised his customers that by 2018 they “do not need to touch the wheel”. This brand new 2018 Model 3 in California crashed almost immediately after testing his words, revealing truth: without fraud there would be no Tesla.
Tesla software accelerated into pedestrians, parked motorcycles and a van. The company has for years manipulated courts and press to cover up this very important 2018 crash, while Uber’s similar crash gathered international condemnation. Source: US District Court.
The Tesla ran a red light and crashed into the MIDDLE of a giant white bus in an empty intersection. Calling Tesla’s latest 2023 version of its failed driverless software blind would be… unfair to the blind. Source: Sacramento County Sheriff’s Office.
Tesla deaths compared to all other EVs showed the obvious problem by 2021. It’s about accountability for lies, all about the Tesla CEO who regularly lies. Source:
Tesla is the worst engineered vehicle on the road, with the most defective ADAS, by far. It kills far more people than all other brands combined. Source: Washington Post