Display of a national flag has damaging impact to social cohesion

I was thinking about Trevor Noah’s interview by Stephen Colbert, where they discussed the psychological affects of a national anthem, and it reminded me of this research on flag waving.

“Flags are tricky,” Kemmelmeier says. “If you allude to a collective and say, ‘This is us,’ there’s always somebody that’s not included.”

Decades of research has demonstrated that simply assigning a symbol, such as a flag, to an arbitrary group can cause a hardening of attitudes. A study published in 2016 by social psychologists Shannon Callahan and Alison Ledgerwood found that people perceived others as less warm and more threatening if the group was assigned a flag. “A consistent picture emerges,” writes David Smith, a psychology lecturer from Robert Gordon University in Aberdeen. “Flags bond insiders but make outsiders feel unwelcome.”

Here’s the interview where the comedians joke about America being the only country that plays a national anthem all the time when foreigners aren’t present… presumably to target some insiders so they will be perceived more like outsiders.

What they’re poking at is a nativist (anti-immigrant) sentiment of “America First”, which in 1915 became an official slogan of the flag-waving KKK (e.g. blueprint for Nazi Germany). The message was if you don’t renounce any/all other identities and declare yourself “America First” you are to be tortured, lynched and mutilated for all to see what happens to any “outsiders” trying to live in America.

Award-winning history book illustrates how America First has been a long-time hate playform; updated with a new epilogue on xenophobia during the COVID-19 pandemic

Food for thought, on a regular day anywhere in Germany you will never see a national flag waving in Germany. However, with extreme irony in America you will see German flags waving on houses in a way they would never attempt if they were still living in Germany.

Elon Musk Changes X Brand to Gaslight

And fruit flies like a banana.

One of the remarkable things about studying the gaslight methods of Hitler, is how similar they are to Elon Musk.

Let’s set the stage properly by acknowledging that Musk’s family emigrated from Canada because in WWII they wanted to help promote a white nationalist genocidal dream of an Apartheid South Africa. They idolized Hitler and his methods of coercion and control.

Hitler, for example, would issue a decree that guillotines are barbaric and you’re not supposed to use them, right before he’d order them installed in all his prisons to murder tens of thousands of his political opponents.

Elon Musk thus regularly says things like he hates the people who hate. Get it? Dictators see themselves as above the law.

Right now he is promoting the brand of hate he likes (Nazism), while demanding others stop promoting hate he dislikes (his perceived opponents).

“You’re not supposed to be fostering hate,” he pointed out.

As owner of the social media platform X [formally known as Twitter], Musk — a self-described “free-speech absolutist” [who censors all speech he dislikes]— has faced heavy scrutiny for allowing users to share sometimes bigoted content [all of the time].

In November, he was condemned by the White House for commenting on an antisemitic post that blamed Jewish people for pushing hatred against white people, writing, “You have said the actual truth.”

“You’re not supposed to be fostering hate” should be read as…

Elon Musk wants to be in sole control of who gets to foster what hate and when. His love of Nazism is unmistakable, right down to the very Hitleresque gaslight tactic.

He will say he is opposed to any mention of genocide, while also saying he’s opposed to all censorship and treats genocide as a matter of different perspectives.

Elon Musk stated that there are “two sides to China’s repression of the Uyghur people”. …stated Mr. Hidayet Oghuzhan, President of IUETO. “Any company conducting business in East Turkistan is complicit in the ongoing genocide. However, Elon Musk’s actions are particularly despicable.”

Elon Musk apparently benefits directly from the genocide he coincidentally pretends he is unfamiliar with.

Nazis love visiting Auschwitz. They really do. Trolls of white hate love Elon Musk for exactly the kind of negative performance he just put on for them.

What better stage can Elon Musk possibly find to promote his particular brand of hate?

…I see almost no antisemitism. […] Two-thirds of my friends are Jewish. I have twice as many Jewish friends as non-Jewish friends.

He says he sees no antisemtitism while walking around saying the most antisemitic things. Oh so clever.

He goes to a genocide memorial to say he knows nothing about the past (“somewhat naive about all this”), and he sees no harms today. Maybe he should have worn a giant Pepe frog pin on his jacket to show his true campaign.

Elon Musk visits Auschwitz

Instead he used an obvious antisemtitic phrase to put a big Nazi bow on top.

Such edge. So hateful. Very gaslit.

FL Tesla Kills One, Police Unsure When

How connected are Tesla’s increasingly unsafe robots to emergency response? Apparently not at all. One can kill a person and go for at least a day undiscovered.

Troopers said a 41-year-old Winter Garden man was driving a 2023 Tesla Model Y southbound on Tiny Road above the speed limit and went airborne after descending a hill. […] Troopers said they are unsure of the date and the time of the crash, which remains under investigation.

That’s a 2023 car lacking even basic “ACN” notification technology, as I’ve mentioned before here.

Police said the man was dead still inside the Tesla when they found him.

Dengue Virus Death Rate Explodes Globally

Current headlines may give the impression that the Middle East is the exclusive region facing fatalities. However, Sudan has recently reported a staggering 15,000 deaths due to genocide in a single town. This grim situation involves young men being deliberately shot in the legs by Arab militias to impede their mobility, while women and children are being brutally massacred. Despite the straightforward nature of the crisis, such as allegations that the UAE exports gold to fund ethnic violence, it remains largely overlooked, dragging millions of people into a worsening humanitarian disaster.

In a broader context of underreported tragedies, the Dengue virus has been significantly increasing a death toll worldwide, with children being particularly affected.

2019 research warned it would become a global threat that can’t be ignored, yet who really was talking about it during COVID?

Dengue causes the greatest human disease burden of any arbovirus, with an estimated 10,000 deaths and 100 million symptomatic infections per year in over 125 countries.

Le Monde hints even harder about the future with “worst dengue epidemic on record“, and predictions of death tolls dramatically increasing.

Never before has Bangladesh seen such an explosion of cases. Between January 1 and December 1, 2023, more than 310,000 people were infected with the virus and 1,628 died, according to official figures. This is the deadliest year since the country’s first dengue epidemic in 2000. The current death toll is already more than five times higher than last year, when the country recorded 281 virus-related deaths.

Pandemic Prevention Institute:

Severe dengue was rare in India before 1996, but India now bears the majority of the global dengue burden. Although dengue follows a general pattern associated with the monsoon season, the annual incidence of dengue in India has increased dramatically in the last ten years. […] Dengue cases have surged in other endemic areas, such as in Vietnam, where cases in 2022 are four times the number of cases reported in 2021.

World Health Organization:

From 2000 to 2019, the World Health Organization (WHO) documented a ten-fold surge in reported cases worldwide increasing from 500,000 to 5.2 million. The year 2019 marked an unprecedented peak, with reported instances spreading across 129 countries.


France could see local dengue cases rise 50-fold by 2030 as temperatures rise. […] Airfinity forecasts, which consider temperature, precipitation, humidity, windspeed, and time of year, have predicted between approximately 290,000 – 390,000 cases of dengue in Peru by the end of the year compared to approximately 50,000 in 2021 and 73,000 in 2022.

European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC):

Autochthonous/non-travel associated dengue cases have been reported in Europe from Italy (82) France (43) and Spain (3).

Singapore National Environment Agency:

Fast rate of dengue transmission has been observed…

And ReliefWeb on Sudan:

The spread of dengue fever and the lack of food is gradually worsening the dire humanitarian and health crises faced by displaced people.