Tesla Cybertruck FSD Delayed Again Like an Advance Fee Fraud

Reporting on Tesla now is so brutal and honest I don’t have to add much to explain the growing mountain of integrity problems.

The Cybertruck’s FSD timeline has been steadily pushed back (much like the launch of the Cybertruck itself). CEO Elon Musk initially expected it to be available in June and then pushed the timeline back to August, Teslarati reports. It’s now expected in September, according to a release roadmap posted…

Delay, delay, delay… the brand is known for promises it never keeps and constant failure to meet deadlines.

What’s even worse?

As many as 30,000 Cybertruck drivers have already paid $12,000 for FSD and have been waiting to receive it since the first deliveries went out in November, according to Autoevolution. In April, Tesla dropped the price to $8,000 without refunding customers the difference.

Damn. That’s straight up abuse of customers. Demand an early hyped payment and deliver nothing. Then drop the price to reward latecomers, while keeping all the money that was paid by victims of a campaign to get them in early.

This is not even a car reporter or source. It is PC Magazine writing, just to be clear how widespread the loathing and disgust for Tesla has grown.

No Nuts: Tesla Cybertruck Doors Fail Open at Speed

With so few Cybertruck sold, let alone on the road, it’s amazing to hear all the stories of nuts falling off.

Yesterday two owners discussed how two lugnuts disappeared from a wheel (see below), and why Tesla doesn’t care.

And then a story about a door striker was posted, showing a horrible design failure where the latches simply work loose and fail open (unsafe) at high speed.

I’ve seen recalls for less.

It is hard to describe just how bad this door striker design is, like absolutely everything is wrong with it.

To start, the plate would typically have a backplate. The bolts would pass through three sheets of steel. We don’t see any back plate here, although it’s possible it’s so tiny it rotated away.

So the next point is the back plate would be designed with ridges to fit into the bolt holes and not rotate. Here’s another look.

Similarly there should be a lock washer to prevent the bolt from rotating at all. This fundamental safety concept, which costs basically nothing, clearly was not included in the Tesla design.

Then there’s an expectation for a round bolt through a round hole with millimeters tolerance. This is a giant square hole that looks like it’s suffered a lot of cavitation. It suggests the door fit is so bad that the latch is designed to float. Toxic setup for a tight assembly. Was there even a nut, let alone torque, to begin with?

Six months ago someone else reported the same exact problem.

It’s like the Tesla door engineering team threw basic knowledge out the window; a crucial vehicle safety device was ignorantly, negligently and predictably designed to fall off.

Here’s an inexpensive Nissan striker to compare, and far superior to the Tesla design in every way.

The Tesla owner complains their 1 year old child was in the back seat near the door danger, as if they didn’t predict something Elon Musk called the Cybertruck would be the cause of harm to their family.

Notable is how an “engineer” at Tesla said door failure is simply a “cosmetic” issue and tried to silence the owner’s appropriate suspicion of serious defect.

Cosmetic issue? “It’s just a scratch, I’m invincible”, as Monty Python’s armless one-legged knight would say.

Proceed with caution at 60 mph with your doors flailing open, that’s all, as Boeing would say.

And now this…

The no nuts Cybertruck.

Tesla Cybertruck Design Flaw: Tow Truck Drivers at Risk of Explosion or Electrocution

Some have remarked how more Cybertrucks have been seen on tow trucks and broken down than on the road. It’s likely they break down so fast that almost all the owners can’t afford to own them.

While you might think there’s a “broken window” economics boost here somehow to tow truck based markets, it looks like Tesla screwed that up too.

The official manual warns explosion and electrocution are likely for anyone trying to move the frequently wrecked or disabled Cybertruck.

Tow companies, like insurance companies, should simply refuse to touch this Tesla design disaster.

These are without question the worst vehicles in history, apparently a drug-fueled fever dream by a serial fraudster.

Perhaps instead of sending a tow truck, send in a container truck and crane to move such garbage inside a sealed box and treat it as a hazmat cleanup… a public disaster billed directly back to Tesla as any avoidable toxic spill should.

CA Tesla Kills One in “Veered” Cliff House Crash

Source: SF Standard

Police are investigating whether the cars hit each other. Given the road’s famous blind curve with a steep drop, combined with the Tesla CEO’s regular false boast his cars have collision avoidance, it seems very highly likely.

One of the vehicles, a compact SUV, crashed into the former restaurant on Point Lobos Avenue and came to a rest at a set of stairs near the building’s lower deck, according to the San Francisco Fire Department. The driver was declared dead at the scene.

The second vehicle, a Tesla, crashed through a nearby fence before coming to a rest on a hill near the Cliff House.

Marks on the Cliff House suggest the SUV coming westwardly downhill at high speed launched off the road (missing the curve) and hit a wall 20ft above ground (or parts of it hit). Strong wall (earthquake proof)!

Source: SF Standard

How and why a Tesla could achieve speed required to crash northbound uphill off that curve and through the fence, is the big question.

Did it abruptly pull backwards out of a parking spot into oncoming traffic and get itself pounded back forwards through the fence? Was it just parked and hit by a runaway vehicle with an incapacitated driver? This would explain a downhill SUV losing control at increasing speed, careening/bouncing forward (driver’s hands no longer on wheel) instead of turning left or braking hard.

The one fatality, driver of the other car, was reported as 56 year old San Francisco resident Allen Wong.