Palantir AI Predicted to “unpredictably escalate the risk of conflict”

I expect financial headlines pivoting from the latest AI research could be “buy buy buy” as cynical hawks on Wall Street tend to calculate nuclear war escalation as just “good for business”. However, to any rational thinking person who doesn’t want to murder their neighbors for profit, the real news is that Palantir is yet … Continue reading Palantir AI Predicted to “unpredictably escalate the risk of conflict”

PLTRs_Palantir: Targeted harassment of critics of Palantir

Targeted harassment of critics of Palantir appears to be an organized function driven by right wing extremists posing as investors. It’s that simple. More attention should be brought to the situation. These attacks are a symptom of Palantir being a political dragnet for monopolist (fascist) objectives. First, Palantir doesn’t deliver on what it claims. It … Continue reading PLTRs_Palantir: Targeted harassment of critics of Palantir

Palantir Aims to Collapse NHS Like Thiel Collapsed SVB

Peter Thiel, reportedly the son of Nazi Germans who left the country to maintain wealth while avoiding guilt and reparations for genocide, has been telling reporters he didn’t believe SVB would fail when he instigated a $50 billion run on the bank that collapsed it in 48 hours. There are two key lessons here. One, … Continue reading Palantir Aims to Collapse NHS Like Thiel Collapsed SVB

German police involved in far-right love Palantir

There’s a sad story circulating about Palantir trying to weasel its way into German government through far-right channels. Though “Hessendata,” adapted from the Gotham program developed by the US company Palantir, is not yet in use in Hamburg, it is already being used extensively by the Hesse police since 2017. Hesse police are perhaps known … Continue reading German police involved in far-right love Palantir