“Biggest vulnerability demonstrated this year was definitely the Tesla exploit”

A hacking contest to showcase products with the worst security vulnerabilities wants you to worry about Tesla safety. [Attacks taking less than two minutes] involved executing what is known as a time-of-check-to-time-of-use (TOCTTOU) attack on Tesla’s Gateway energy management system. They showed how they could then — among other things — open the front trunk … Continue reading “Biggest vulnerability demonstrated this year was definitely the Tesla exploit”

Monopolist Service Enrages Tesla Owner: $29K Bill for Minor Damage and No Delivery Date

As I’ve mentioned before several times here, monopolists are fascists by another name. That fundamental history lesson aside, I’m seeing more and more people admitting they’ve been had by Tesla’s saccharin brand of techno-utopian nonsense . …while shipping out about 300,000 brand new Model 3s with the same airbag, Tesla was unable [for several months] … Continue reading Monopolist Service Enrages Tesla Owner: $29K Bill for Minor Damage and No Delivery Date

Tesla Recall Recalled: 2015-2020 Model S Hood May Pop at Speed and Blind Driver

It’s a hood, so that’s what I’m calling it. Just like the Nazi Tatra T87. Musk says Tesla… Hitler said Tatra, where’s the difference in management, seriously? China’s State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR) has allegedly announced reopening an earlier recall of Tesla Model S imported from California. …expanded a late 2021 recall to cover … Continue reading Tesla Recall Recalled: 2015-2020 Model S Hood May Pop at Speed and Blind Driver

Blind Tesla on Freeway Crashes Into Boat Trailer

It’s clear from this video that the Tesla doesn’t detect the boat at all, and doesn’t understand the turn signal. It encroaches dangerously from far behind, a predictably dumb move as if asleep at the wheel. Perhaps the most important detail here is the Tesla doesn’t hit the brakes until it crashes into a car … Continue reading Blind Tesla on Freeway Crashes Into Boat Trailer