“Please Inform Your Readers”: Best and Worst Visualizations of COVID-19

I’ve written several times about big data and visualization issues for the COVID-19 pandemic. March 3: Visualizing Coronavirus Spread: Many Tools, Results Vary Widely March 8: America Admits to Cooking its Numbers on Coronavirus March 11: Why Big Data Missed Early Warning Signs of COVID-19 As a long-time researcher of big data security, the most … Continue reading “Please Inform Your Readers”: Best and Worst Visualizations of COVID-19

Why Hoard Hand Sanitizer if Soap Works Better?

These coronavirus quarantine times, Definitely need some new soap rhymes. Plenty of soap sits on shelves all around the world, yet toilet paper and hand sanitizer are disappearing far too quickly, leaving shelves barren. Why? I’d say it’s a lack of action by nations to run anti-hoarding public service announcements (e.g. it’s illegal in many … Continue reading Why Hoard Hand Sanitizer if Soap Works Better?

Why Big Data Missed Early Warning Signs of COVID-19

Back in September 2014 there was an excellent article on FP called “Why Big Data Missed Early Warning Signs of Ebola“, which seems more relevant today than ever: It’s an inspirational story that is a common refrain in the big data world — sophisticated computer algorithms sift through millions of data points and divine hidden … Continue reading Why Big Data Missed Early Warning Signs of COVID-19