Canada Cloud Privacy

Canada Cloud blog asks Would you trust a Canadian, with your Cloud Data?

Aside an image of the Mounted Police and a sled dog they speak of “global expansion” is a very, very fertile area for new business start-up development, and is a key focus area for us as part of this Canadian Cloud initiative.

Canada also actually does have significant assets in the Cloud computing field, especially within this critical area of Cloud Data Privacy, and these provide a foundation for global expansion. Our primary activity to launch the network is to begin building an innovation portfolio around this cluster, aligning it to key markets like the USA and Europe.

For example on 19-Aug 2010, the Web 2.0/Cloud Computing Subcommittee of the American team published ‘USA’s Government Cloud Outsourcing Guide (11-page PDF), explaining how agencies can safely outsource to Cloud providers, focusing particularly on the aspect of privacy and how it can be protected through implementation of various best practices, like the NIST series, and it concludes with the recommendation:

“Private cloud vendors should be aware of these publicly published controls and should offer them as enhancements.”

French Vineyard Goes Missing

The entire Cabernet Sauvignon vineyard has disappeared.

Thieves in France have broken into a vineyard and stolen an entire crop of Cabernet Sauvignon grapes, say police.

They struck in Villeneuve-les-Beziers on Sunday night, taking advantage of a full moon and using a harvesting machine to seize 30 tonnes of the crop.

I see. No one noticed a harvesting machine working through 30 tons under the full moon.

Clean Taxis

When I traveled around Kathmandu the city was filled with diesel carts that poured black acrid-smelling pollution into the streets. Polluting taxis were banned in 2000.

Kathmandu is one of the most polluted cities in Asia, vehicular emissions accounting for a big share.

Besides posing a health hazard to the public, the growing pollution is also seen as a threat to the tourism industry.

Save the tourists.

I just read about a similar trend finally catching on in other cities such as New York, London and San Francisco. According to the Automotive Insider major innovation in urban taxi technology is just around the corner.

London suffers from severe pollution. Taxis account for 12% of NOX and 24% of particulate matter in central London. In June 2008, Mercedes unveiled the London EVito, a six-seater electric vehicle that is taking the market by storm. Running on a 35w lithium ion (Li-Ion) battery, the EVito runs for 75 miles on a single charge and takes 6 hours to recharge using the UK standard 240v input. It sports anti-lock brakes, electronic stability control and onboard diagnostics. In order to swerve around Blue Bell “kerbs” (curbs), the front-wheel drive EVito utilizes partial rear-wheel drive to achieve its tiny 25-foot turn radius.

That was two years ago and many more are on their way.

In 2013, Volkswagen plans to release its Milano taxi. Using advanced lithium ion (Li-Ion) batteries, the demure, charming Milano has a single broad side-door swerving open to reveal its four spacious seats. It has an electronically-limited speed of 75 mph and 67 continuous horsepower. Nissan plans to unveil its avant-garde Nissan Leaf in 2011, with a 100 mile driving range, while Mitsubishi, Renault, Toyota, Honda, Ford, Chevy and other companies are currently or planning on offering ecological vehicles.

This Milano sounds like the ideal shared commuter car. Hopefully by 2013 some of the usual risks of batteries will be sorted out…or a diesel-hybrid option will be available.

Ig Nobel Prizes and Security

Several of the Ig Nobel winners this year seem to have done studies relevant to security:

MEDICINE PRIZE: Simon Rietveld of the University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, and Ilja van Beest of Tilburg University, The Netherlands, for discovering that symptoms of asthma can be treated with a roller-coaster ride.

Asthma symptoms really have their ups and downs.

PHYSICS PRIZE: Lianne Parkin, Sheila Williams, and Patricia Priest of the University of Otago, New Zealand, for demonstrating that, on icy footpaths in wintertime, people slip and fall less often if they wear socks on the outside of their shoes.

Someone has finally proven the value of SOX relative to risk.

PEACE PRIZE: Richard Stephens, John Atkins, and Andrew Kingston of Keele University, UK, for confirming the widely held belief that swearing relieves pain.

Next they will research whether swearing removes Stuxnet.

Last, but not least: A man named Barbeito studied the health risks of beards but was too sick to accept the award:

PUBLIC HEALTH PRIZE: Manuel Barbeito, Charles Mathews, and Larry Taylor of the Industrial Health and Safety Office, Fort Detrick, Maryland, USA, for determining by experiment that microbes cling to bearded scientists.

WHO ATTENDED THE CEREMONY: Manuel S. Barbeito was unable to travel, due to health reasons. A representative read his acceptance speech for him.