New America calls a feature in the latest Google Android phone “A Malicious Root Kit”.
…one of the microchips embedded into the G2 prevents device owners from making permanent changes that allow custom modifications to the the Android operating system. This is the same Android that purposefully opened up its source code under the Apache License, allowing anyone to use, modify, and redistribute the operating system code even if they choose not to contribute back to the development community. Even among other Android computing devices and phones, the G2 is touted as an open platform.
Unfortunately, the hardware in this device completely undermines this license by allowing mobile network providers to override end-user changes to the source code. Wireless network operators have deployed a hardware rootkit that restricts modifications to a device owned by the user. This would be akin to a computer sold with Microsoft Windows containing chip that prevented users from installing Linux or another operating system of their choice.
How excited are you to buy one?
Imagine a car that each time it started would remove all your performance enhancements and return to stock.
Imagine a house that every time you opened the door had the same wiring and plumbing (issues) as when you first bought it.
Yeah, me either. Why does HTC’s Android phone want to race with Apple to the opposite of cool?