Has Microsoft Thrown Ethics Out? Journalists Warn Full Evil Ahead

One particularly memorable conversation at RSA Conference in SF this year was someone who said Satya Nadella is a CEO of two faces, public and private. I was told there is a carefully curated calm public persona of someone who cares about others, a Doctor Jekyll. However, behind closed doors apparently a raging angry Mister … Continue reading Has Microsoft Thrown Ethics Out? Journalists Warn Full Evil Ahead

Tesla Keeps Crossing Double-Yellow Causing Head-on Collisions

Elon Musk infamously boasts he makes mistakes whenever and doesn’t respect the rules. Well, I guess we might make some mistakes. Who knows? This seems to be coming up repeatedly as bad news for his customers, let alone anyone around them, when their car acts like the CEO and gloatingly crosses a double yellow. Another … Continue reading Tesla Keeps Crossing Double-Yellow Causing Head-on Collisions

Why Nazi Lawyers Rushed to Behead Sophie Scholl in 1943

A fresh deep dive into the prosecution of Sophie Scholl illuminates a complete lack of justice in Nazi Germany, grotesque absence of law and order. She was targeted by a Nazi who was trying to be as cruel as possible to women. He had given a speech to students where he demanded girls stop learning … Continue reading Why Nazi Lawyers Rushed to Behead Sophie Scholl in 1943