Time to encrypt internal traffic?

The article in the WSJ seems to accuse the PCI of lacking sufficient security. In both the Hannaford and Okemo heists, hackers attacked an area that previously had been thought impenetrable — a company’s private internal computer network. Many previous breaches involved wireless network systems. PCI mandates that all transaction data sent over networks that … Continue reading Time to encrypt internal traffic?

Graffiti Analysis and Law Enforcement

Working on a global intrusion detection system today, four years after Gartner incorrectly predicted they would no longer be relevant , presents a number of challenges. Most notably, creating an accurate signature for an attack, let alone an attacker, can be a very sophisticated and delicate process that requires non-trivial amounts of intelligent (i.e. human) … Continue reading Graffiti Analysis and Law Enforcement

The affordable 1TB drive has arrived

Newsfactor reports that the modern space race has led us to a one-terabyte drive for $399. They also point out some other interesting data points on modern reliability, performance and energy-consumption requirements: …Hitachi’s new drives beat older models in more than just space. The Deskstar offers increased shock protection and three “idle” modes designed to … Continue reading The affordable 1TB drive has arrived