DE Tesla Kills One in “Veered” Crash Into Tree: German Press Questions Lack of ACN

It’s hard to say whether the victim of a Tesla crash would have survived, given the force of his “veered” impact with a tree, but the German press drops an important hidden lede in their report. Offensichtlich wird im Tesla kein automatischer Crash-Notruf ausgelöst, der die nächstgelegene Polizeidienststelle alarmiert. In other words… Apparently, no automatic … Continue reading DE Tesla Kills One in “Veered” Crash Into Tree: German Press Questions Lack of ACN

300,000 New Teslas Investigated for “Veered” Critical Failure of Steering Control

I really fail to understand why anyone would buy a new Tesla. But because they do, we have TechCrunch news like this. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is investigating 280,000 Tesla vehicles over reports of loss of steering control and power steering. The malfunctioning has frequently been accompanied by driver-facing messages indicating that … Continue reading 300,000 New Teslas Investigated for “Veered” Critical Failure of Steering Control

Tesla “worst driver monitor system on market. Last place … useless”

I noticed a lot of great safety engineering analysis in this new investigation by the Los Angeles Times. …since 2021, at least 23 people have died in crashes involving Autopilot or Full Self-Driving systems. That tally comes from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, which also reports 840 Autopilot/FSD-related crashes over the same period. […] … Continue reading Tesla “worst driver monitor system on market. Last place … useless”

“Volumes Speak Volumes”: Crowds of Tesla Owners Call Their Car “Threat to Human Life”

Loud and clear. Tesla owners hate their car, like really, really hate it, because of simple design failures that constantly put them in harms way. Dozens of Tesla drivers have filed similar complaints with the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration, the federal agency responsible for safety, which can force recalls. “That says to me that … Continue reading “Volumes Speak Volumes”: Crowds of Tesla Owners Call Their Car “Threat to Human Life”