“In the world of Fox News, an African name alone is disqualifying.”

The idea of a worse future due to AI is rooted in understanding how automation of bad things happened in the past (e.g. philosophy, politics, economics), and how that will mean even more bad things ahead. Ifeoma Ajunwa has written an amazing article giving exactly the kind of example we all should study. He points … Continue reading “In the world of Fox News, an African name alone is disqualifying.”

FCC Declares Kaspersky “threat to U.S. national security”

Remember when Kaspersky in 2018 lost an obviously stupid lawsuit that claimed the U.S. government shouldn’t be able to prohibit products harmful to society? U.S. District Court Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly wrote in her May 30 opinion that U.S. networks and computer systems are “extremely important strategic national assets” whose security depends on the government’s ability … Continue reading FCC Declares Kaspersky “threat to U.S. national security”

Nearly 10,000 Russian soldiers reported dead, leadership failing.

Two things have come to mind since before Russia invaded Ukraine. 1) It would be an incredibly stupid move by Putin. As much as people were warning me that it was coming and officially the buildup was menacing enough to predict an invasion, I did not believe it would happen because it would be a … Continue reading Nearly 10,000 Russian soldiers reported dead, leadership failing.