Tesla Safety Negligence Finally Goes to Court: “Sore Thumb” of American Roads

Quality of Tesla vehicles has been notoriously bad for years, and has been trending worse, which should be little surprise given how poorly it treats human life (from its workers and its customers to anyone in or around their product). Now top experts in automobile safety, who finally are getting some attention, aren’t mincing words … Continue reading Tesla Safety Negligence Finally Goes to Court: “Sore Thumb” of American Roads

Rivian penalized for price hike as market awards Tesla “prize” for price hike

File this one under why markets clearly are not even close to rational. Here’s one headline from March: Tesla raises prices across entire range The March 15th price hikes are purely speculative to “protect” the company from consumers demanding value from cars sometime in the future. The price increases are designed to cover higher costs … Continue reading Rivian penalized for price hike as market awards Tesla “prize” for price hike

Microsoft: Ukraine and U.S. Were the Most Targeted Countries 2020-2021

Microsoft’s new report out on the very loud computer attacks during the Ukraine War highlight how the U.S. has been a target of aggression. The chart above represents the geographic distribution of customers notified of all nation state threat activity, not just Russian, between July 1, 2020, and June 30, 2021. By June 2021, Ukraine … Continue reading Microsoft: Ukraine and U.S. Were the Most Targeted Countries 2020-2021

Elon Musk Deletes Tweets While Claiming Nobody Should Delete Tweets

The hypocrisy of Elon Musk knows no bounds. Elon Musk went on a tweetstorm over the weekend, lobbing numerous critiques of Twitter… included suggestions on how to transform Twitter and its products. On Saturday, he asked his roughly 81 million Twitter followers to vote on whether the company should turn its San Francisco headquarters into … Continue reading Elon Musk Deletes Tweets While Claiming Nobody Should Delete Tweets