X Twitter Keeps Promoting Slavery. It’s No Accident.

Tesla workers described the CEO as someone who encouraged pro-slavery racism in the workplace. …frequent use of racial slurs and references to the manufacturing site as a plantation or slave ship. Now that same mindset has shifted to X Twitter, where Elon Musk promotes slavery and generates ad revenue from pro-slavery accounts. That was several … Continue reading X Twitter Keeps Promoting Slavery. It’s No Accident.

South Africa Has Banned SpaceX

It is noteworthy to acknowledge historical aspects related to Elon Musk’s grandfather, who expressed support for Hitler during World War II. [Musk’s grandfather was] leader in a fringe political movement that called itself Technocracy Incorporated, which advocated an end to democracy and rule by a small tech-savvy elite. During World War II, the Canadian government … Continue reading South Africa Has Banned SpaceX

Elon Musk Says Some of His Best Friends Are Jews

Well, does anyone really have any doubts now about Elon Musk being antisemitic? First, read this 1936 book on why nobody ever should say some of their friends are Jews in response to accusations of antisemitism. That phrase, it’s a dire warning. It’s a well known phrase of antisemitism associated with Nazi Germany. Second, read … Continue reading Elon Musk Says Some of His Best Friends Are Jews

Elon Musk’s Blatant Ignorance Is Killing His Own Truck Dreams

Elon Musk’s approach to innovation and business practices has drawn substantial criticism, with some comparing him to notorious fraudster Bernie Madoff. Musk’s strategy, it appears, centers around a common swindler’s tactic: promising what people want to hear rather than delivering on feasible, tangible results. Musk’s modus operandi seems to consist of peddling dreams and collecting … Continue reading Elon Musk’s Blatant Ignorance Is Killing His Own Truck Dreams