Tesla May Have Lit Its Own German Factory On Fire To Hide Collapse of Sales

Rumors are circulating in Berlin anti-terror channels (perhaps a local attempt at dry humor) that Tesla probably attempted to pull a “Reichstag Fire” to win public support (and collect insurance, plus write off losses) for rapidly sinking car sales. Elon Musk’s German Tesla plant suffers close to $1 billion in damages after attack by the … Continue reading Tesla May Have Lit Its Own German Factory On Fire To Hide Collapse of Sales

“Tesla tried to do the least possible [safety] remedy to see [how many deaths] they could get away with”

Here’s the buried bombshell lede in the latest safety news about childish milquetoast fiddling that Tesla still tries to pass off as engineering. Phil Koopman, a professor at Carnegie Mellon University who studies automated driving safety, said the letter shows that the recall did little to solve problems with Autopilot and was an attempt to … Continue reading “Tesla tried to do the least possible [safety] remedy to see [how many deaths] they could get away with”

Seaman’s Manslaughter: CA Boat Pilot Sentenced to Jail For Disengaging From Danger Like a Tesla Autopilot

The deadliest maritime disaster in recent US history has led five years later to a ship captain being sentenced to jail, for the deaths of 34 people in a fire at sea. The Conception was anchored off Santa Cruz Island, 25 miles south of Santa Barbara, when it caught fire before dawn on the final … Continue reading Seaman’s Manslaughter: CA Boat Pilot Sentenced to Jail For Disengaging From Danger Like a Tesla Autopilot

Tesla Robots Compromised: Chinese Government Strikes Deal as a Death Spiral of Safety Failures Kills Car Sales

Elon Musk, frequently referred to as the welfare king who takes billion dollar handouts on broken promises, just made an abrupt desperate plea to the Chinese government to keep Tesla out of bankruptcy. Failures in management at every level in the company are coming to roost with missed deadlines, collapsing sales, product quality decline, broken … Continue reading Tesla Robots Compromised: Chinese Government Strikes Deal as a Death Spiral of Safety Failures Kills Car Sales