Experts Say New AI Warnings Are Overblown

I’m quoted in a nicely written LifeWire article as an expert dismissing the latest AI Warnings made by a huge number signatories (including 23 people at Google, 14 at OpenAI including Anthropic, and… Grimes). I didn’t sign the overblown statement, obviously, and would never. …experts point to more mundane risks from AI rather than human … Continue reading Experts Say New AI Warnings Are Overblown

ChatGPT is Fraud, Court Finds Quickly and Sanctions Lawyer

For months now I have been showing lawyers how ChatGPT lies, and they beg and some plead for me to write about it publicly. “How do people not know more about this problem” they ask me. Indeed, how is ChatGPT failure not front page news, given it is the Hindenburg of machine learning? And then … Continue reading ChatGPT is Fraud, Court Finds Quickly and Sanctions Lawyer

Tesla Lawyers Tell Customers in US Cities to Stop Paying For Their Cars

The CEO of Twitter recently has been running a heavy handed PR campaign spreading hate speech to make American cities look bad. His lawyers, in a truly bizarre twist of logic, now want Tesla customers to stop paying for their cars if they live in a city (they dislike for any reason, or no reason … Continue reading Tesla Lawyers Tell Customers in US Cities to Stop Paying For Their Cars

Has Microsoft Thrown Ethics Out? Journalists Warn Full Evil Ahead

One particularly memorable conversation at RSA Conference in SF this year was someone who said Satya Nadella is a CEO of two faces, public and private. I was told there is a carefully curated calm public persona of someone who cares about others, a Doctor Jekyll. However, behind closed doors apparently a raging angry Mister … Continue reading Has Microsoft Thrown Ethics Out? Journalists Warn Full Evil Ahead