American Cowboy Hat True Origins: The Mexican Sombrero

True West magazine alleges that the cowboy hat was a product of shameless appropriation — white immigrants stealing everything they could from Mexicans. As Texian cattlemen appropriated Mexican cattle and land, they adopted elements of the vaquero’s working attire. Modern buckaroos throughout the Southwest inherited much of their forebearers’ culture, including their name—an imprecise rendering … Continue reading American Cowboy Hat True Origins: The Mexican Sombrero

American Business Desperate for Trains as Air Travel Falls Apart

The WSJ reports air travel reliability has deteriorated so much that business communities are scratching their head about why they can’t get on a modern high-speed train instead. This summer’s air-travel disruptions are leading some business travelers to change plans and hit the road. But is “hitting” deteriorating infrastructure of roads to just sit in … Continue reading American Business Desperate for Trains as Air Travel Falls Apart

China Claims U.S. Aircraft Carriers Can’t Hide From New AI on Satellites

A new report out of China suggests it’s using AI on satellites to find and constantly track U.S. aircraft carriers, rendering them easy prey. When USS Harry S. Truman was heading to a strait transit drill off the coast of Long Island in New York on June 17 last year, a Chinese remote sensing satellite … Continue reading China Claims U.S. Aircraft Carriers Can’t Hide From New AI on Satellites

Unsafe by Design: More and More Teslas Catch on Fire

There have been hundreds of fires claimed due to Tesla cars, as many as 300 estimated. That’s incredible in itself. For context the Ford Pinto allegedly had a tiny fraction of that number yet caused international outrage. More to the point, there are now at least 32 recorded fatalities due to Tesla fires (Update only … Continue reading Unsafe by Design: More and More Teslas Catch on Fire