Korean FTC Fines Tesla for Battery Fraud as Yet More of Its Cars Burst Into Fire

Korean news makes the Tesla seem like a Chinese made cruise missile was fired onto their busy roads. Some 50 firefighters and 17 engines were mobilized and it took more than an hour to put out the flames. That’s a LOT of wasted emergency response and environmental destruction for just one car. It almost sounds … Continue reading Korean FTC Fines Tesla for Battery Fraud as Yet More of Its Cars Burst Into Fire

Twitter VP Named For Enabling Incitement to Violence

Reports indicate now that top Twitter management willfully blocked security, undermined safety from violence. Vice President for Trust & Safety Del Harvey is called out here. Both committee staff and former employees who gave depositions singled out former Twitter Vice President for Trust & Safety Del Harvey as an obstacle to tougher enforcement against election-related … Continue reading Twitter VP Named For Enabling Incitement to Violence

Yet Another Tesla Megapack Fire: Charging Station Closed New Year’s Day

Tesla is so prone to failure, you can be sure their “no holiday” culture always will be ruining someone’s holiday somewhere. I’ve written here about a Thanksgiving fire and Christmas fire already. Both were horrible tragedies for people who unfortunately had a Tesla in their neighborhood. It’s time now of course to write about New … Continue reading Yet Another Tesla Megapack Fire: Charging Station Closed New Year’s Day

Google Mapping Buildings in Africa for “Humanitarian Response”

Years ago, in my talks about future AI risks, I explained how satellites and fax machines by 1960s had become essential technology in the success of U.S. Army special force operations in Africa. Rescue teams gathered an accurate record of building footprints in order to prepare raids and make quick work of kidnappers. A new … Continue reading Google Mapping Buildings in Africa for “Humanitarian Response”