Elon Musk’s Blatant Ignorance Is Killing His Own Truck Dreams

Elon Musk’s approach to innovation and business practices has drawn substantial criticism, with some comparing him to notorious fraudster Bernie Madoff. Musk’s strategy, it appears, centers around a common swindler’s tactic: promising what people want to hear rather than delivering on feasible, tangible results. Musk’s modus operandi seems to consist of peddling dreams and collecting … Continue reading Elon Musk’s Blatant Ignorance Is Killing His Own Truck Dreams

Elon Musk Blames Racism on Victims of Racism

Another day, another messy thoughtless political flareup by Elon Musk. The man obviously can’t stop erratically shooting messengers in his clumsy attempts to protect and promote hate speech. The tactic he uses often mirrors well-known Nazi propaganda, where anyone reporting harms is blamed for those harms. Like if someone said systemic racism in America has … Continue reading Elon Musk Blames Racism on Victims of Racism

Can You Spot the NYT eBike Disinformation?

We often speak about disinformation like it’s a side show to news, something motivated in extremes and from adversaries outside of balanced mainstream reporting. The NYT however gives us a good example of disinformation in the mainstream cycles (pun intended). They’ve been caught by StreetsBlog pushing an agenda with false analysis. To begin, the NYT … Continue reading Can You Spot the NYT eBike Disinformation?