Amazon Out of Control and Inside Your Homes: Every Product a Spy

The joke I used to hear was that a security audit in a newly built embassy in Africa came back full of dangerous warnings and safety failures. “Listening devices in every room” yelled the diplomat in charge, “who is screwing us the Chinese, Americans… Russia?!” The auditor looked blankly and replied “Amazon”. That reality-based joke … Continue reading Amazon Out of Control and Inside Your Homes: Every Product a Spy

Gun advocates are angry Sig Sauer P320 keeps shooting people without anyone pulling the trigger

An old saw in America is that gun manufacturers are never to blame for anything, ever. Usually it’s phrased cynically as “guns don’t kill people”. However, a growing number of highly trained and proficient shooters in America (e.g. the police) have been challenging that idea with… lawsuits blaming a gun manufacturer for people being shot … Continue reading Gun advocates are angry Sig Sauer P320 keeps shooting people without anyone pulling the trigger

Why Winston Churchill Named America’s M4 Tank “Sherman”

U.S. General Sherman in 1864 famously helped end the Confederate concentration camps, a huge victory for American liberators followed with public campaigns of “do not forget”. Then 80 years later in 1944, 10s of thousands of American-made M4 tanks named after him famously helped end the Nazi concentration camps, followed with public campaigns of “do … Continue reading Why Winston Churchill Named America’s M4 Tank “Sherman”