Blind Tesla on Freeway Crashes Into Boat Trailer

It’s clear from this video that the Tesla doesn’t detect the boat at all, and doesn’t understand the turn signal. It encroaches dangerously from far behind, a predictably dumb move as if asleep at the wheel. Perhaps the most important detail here is the Tesla doesn’t hit the brakes until it crashes into a car … Continue reading Blind Tesla on Freeway Crashes Into Boat Trailer

Tesla FSD 11 a Failure: Hyperfocus on Bad Left Turns Doesn’t Deliver

You may remember the Tesla CEO last year trying to publicly shame a “tester” for being critical. The CEO went further in the thread to whine that giving early access to software means testers will be very harshly criticized if they dare to criticize. Such dictated dysfunctional displays of communication (Tesla wants boot-lickers only) are … Continue reading Tesla FSD 11 a Failure: Hyperfocus on Bad Left Turns Doesn’t Deliver

Distracted Tesla Driver Hits Pedestrian. Autopilot Being Investigated

One of the giant false promises of Tesla is that it would improve safety by reducing distracted driver risk. Investigators are now instead asking whether Tesla autopilot marketing is leading drivers to be more distracted than ever. According to Sgt. Christopher Knox of the North Carolina State Highway Patrol, this was a case of distracted … Continue reading Distracted Tesla Driver Hits Pedestrian. Autopilot Being Investigated

DoJ Requests Files After Tesla Engineer Testifies “Driverless” Claims Are Intentionally Deceptive

Tesla’s SEC public disclosure filings have revealed that it received requests from the DOJ (US Department of Justice) for documents related to “Autopilot and FSD” (Full of Shit Driving) features. Tesla has a long habit of doing exactly what everyone says is wrong. One example is that when the U.S. government was cracking down on … Continue reading DoJ Requests Files After Tesla Engineer Testifies “Driverless” Claims Are Intentionally Deceptive