Chinese Abruptly Remove Their Driverless Cars From California Roads

Some are speculating that U.S. national security concerns have spooked the Chinese, causing an abrupt halt to many foreign robots being tested on California roads. Didi is not the only Chinese company that appears to be scaling back autonomous vehicle testing in California, or pulling out entirely. A DMV spokesperson said that five Chinese-based companies … Continue reading Chinese Abruptly Remove Their Driverless Cars From California Roads

NHTSA Promotes New “AV STEP” Program to Monitor Road Robots

The exit interview for the head of the NHTSA highlights their new road robot regulation program idea launched last June. We’re also considering a new program called AV STEP. That would combine the opportunity for manufacturers to deploy automated vehicles with a process that would allow NHTSA significant access to information about redundancy and safety … Continue reading NHTSA Promotes New “AV STEP” Program to Monitor Road Robots

Russian Attack on Just One Ukrainian City Has Failed Six Times, Destroying Five of its Own Battalians

From the file of un-intelligence and how not to go to war, Russia continues rapidly grinding its own troops into shallow graves at an alarming rate. Russia began its tank-heavy assault on the eastern Ukrianian city of Avdiivka in October last year and has lost five battalions worth of equipment since. To put it another … Continue reading Russian Attack on Just One Ukrainian City Has Failed Six Times, Destroying Five of its Own Battalians