Why Russian Hackers Fail: Ukraine Defense Lessons

There’s an old bogus saw in IT that goes something like attackers only need to be successful once yet defenders always have to succeed. As you can probably tell I really dislike such thinking. The reverse is actually well known and practiced often. Defenders benefit from efficiency that comes through “defense in depth”. It’s a … Continue reading Why Russian Hackers Fail: Ukraine Defense Lessons

Pentagon Announces Mission in Germany to Streamline Aid to Ukraine

This past September European Command (EUCOM) head Gen. Christopher Cavoli presented a new plan for EU defense to Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin. A dedicated Ukraine mission would be run in Germany, to solidify progress made since 2015 to protect Europe against unprovoked Russian aggression. The NYT described the plan soon after as “streamlining an assistance … Continue reading Pentagon Announces Mission in Germany to Streamline Aid to Ukraine

Policeman Sentenced to Jail and Fined for Posting Disinformation on Twitter

Interesting AFP news from Spain: A Barcelona court on Tuesday sentenced a policeman to 15 months in jail for posting a video on Twitter… He allegedly spread xenophobic hate on Twitter, fabricated an incident that never happened and claimed it to be covered up by “mainstream media”. The civil guard in 2019 posted a 45-second … Continue reading Policeman Sentenced to Jail and Fined for Posting Disinformation on Twitter

Tesla CEO Promotes Nazism While Trying to Undercut German Government

The word on the street is Elon Musk thought Nazi was spelled with a T, which is why he put it on the hood of his cars. But seriously, Tesla’s public relations with the German government thus far have its CEO telling people to ignore long-standing rules while he promotes the worst possible failures of … Continue reading Tesla CEO Promotes Nazism While Trying to Undercut German Government