Altman’s OpenAI and WorldCoin Might Just Be Lying to Everyone on Purpose

Lately when people ask me about OpenAI’s ChatGPT just lying so brazenly, intentionally misstating facts and fabricating events, I explain that’s likely the purpose of the tool. It aims only to please, not ever to be “right” in any real sense let alone have any integrity. Over time the AI company has been getting worse, … Continue reading Altman’s OpenAI and WorldCoin Might Just Be Lying to Everyone on Purpose

Tesla Owners Still Surprised After a Decade of Their Accelerator Pedals Breaking

Get it? Accelerator pedals keep breaking? I’m not talking about regenerative here. There’s been a recurring pedal quality problem in Tesla manufacturing, and it’s trivial to see where and why. I’ll try to break it down. Back in 2017 Tesla experienced an accelerator pedal defect controversy. It didn’t exactly grab mainstream headlines, although it probably … Continue reading Tesla Owners Still Surprised After a Decade of Their Accelerator Pedals Breaking

Twitter’s Right Wing Extremist Bias Exposed

Newly released evidence makes it clear again (as discussed here before) that Twitter management long favored spreading extremist right wing content. In early January 2021 they published dangerous anti-democratic violent incitement, rejecting internal safety warnings and fear about harm: Do we have to wait for violence — someone getting shot? In an interesting twist, former … Continue reading Twitter’s Right Wing Extremist Bias Exposed

Huge Tesla Leak: Lawyers Argue NDA Magically Censors All Speech They Don’t Like

Perhaps by now it has become common knowledge Tesla pay is illegally far below market, work benefits are in dangerous unhealthy decline, and staff are particularly screwed should they dare to invoke basic ethical concerns (e.g. discuss customer or worker safety). He Died Helping Build Tesla’s Gigafactory. Tesla Didn’t Tell Local Officials. It’s like reading … Continue reading Huge Tesla Leak: Lawyers Argue NDA Magically Censors All Speech They Don’t Like