“Military-grade encrypted signal” Helps Protect “Bike bus” of Children in Scotland From Cars

The true history of stop lights is that they were a London invention of the late 1800s, originally meant to stop all cars so pedestrians could walk basically everywhere on the streets. That concept was corrupted in 1930s America until everyone but cars was very ruthlessly pushed off streets. Lights then became a symbol of … Continue reading “Military-grade encrypted signal” Helps Protect “Bike bus” of Children in Scotland From Cars

Gun advocates are angry Sig Sauer P320 keeps shooting people without anyone pulling the trigger

An old saw in America is that gun manufacturers are never to blame for anything, ever. Usually it’s phrased cynically as “guns don’t kill people”. However, a growing number of highly trained and proficient shooters in America (e.g. the police) have been challenging that idea with… lawsuits blaming a gun manufacturer for people being shot … Continue reading Gun advocates are angry Sig Sauer P320 keeps shooting people without anyone pulling the trigger

FBI Arrests Pro-Russian “Patriot Hackers” from Colorado and Maryland

Recently I posed the thorny question of who should be classified a “patriot hacker”, especially when thinking about the mid-1990s. I realized with the latest news stories, now might be a good time to poke this bear a little more. We have to begin by admitting the term hacker sadly has come to mean computer … Continue reading FBI Arrests Pro-Russian “Patriot Hackers” from Colorado and Maryland