MotorTrend Test of Tesla Autopilot Recall Indicates… “Damning” Fraud

The Tesla brand continues to plummet in trust and safety. To us, this update seems clearly tailored to stave off further government action for the time being while keeping “nags” to a minimum, not to reduce driver distraction and improve safety. Declining to publicize the recall and bundling it with more than a dozen other … Continue reading MotorTrend Test of Tesla Autopilot Recall Indicates… “Damning” Fraud

TX Tesla Kills One by Plowing Into Rear of Car Stopped at Red Light

“Autopilot” seems a most plausible explanation for how red stoplights at an intersection, as well as the red brake lights on the back of a stopped car, were all conspicuously ignored at very high speed. A person who was behind the wheel of a Tesla is now dead after reportedly crashing into an Uber in … Continue reading TX Tesla Kills One by Plowing Into Rear of Car Stopped at Red Light

Criminal Charges: German Tesla in “Veered” Head-on Collision

A German news report says a Tesla tragically veered head-on into an oncoming car. Den Fahrer des Tesla erwartet nun ein Strafverfahren wegen fahrlässiger Körperverletzung bei einem Verkehrsunfall. Negligent (fahrlässiger). The Tesla driver now faces criminal proceedings for causing negligent bodily harm in a traffic accident. You can clearly see in the photo from the … Continue reading Criminal Charges: German Tesla in “Veered” Head-on Collision