Tesla 2023 Crashes Cause Backlashes: Nearly 70% of Americans Now Do Not Want Autopilot on Roads

With good reason, given so many Tesla crashes in 2023, Americans now don’t trust a Tesla to be on shared public roads. …68% of Americans are afraid of self-driving cars… It’s literally a reaction to Tesla Autopilot failures and fatalities, and arguably getting worse over time. …last year’s surge in anxiety [was] all the more … Continue reading Tesla 2023 Crashes Cause Backlashes: Nearly 70% of Americans Now Do Not Want Autopilot on Roads

Tesla Value Crash: Dropping Much Faster Than Industry Average

Researchers have highlighted the simple fact that a Tesla purchase loses value faster than other car brands. As of February, “year over year, used EV prices have fallen 24%, with Teslas losing the most value in that period,” Liz Najman, lead researcher at Recurrent, told me in an email. “Looking at just the past few … Continue reading Tesla Value Crash: Dropping Much Faster Than Industry Average

Tesla CEO Again Fraudulently Promotes Dangerous FSD as Safe for Drunk Driving

The heartbreaking Washington Post account of the tragic demise of a Tesla employee underscores a significant detail. The owner was under the influence of alcohol at the time of his fatal crash caused by the Full Self-Driving (FSD) system. Notably, The Washington Post’s coverage meticulously substantiated the role of Tesla in the unfortunate fatality, killing … Continue reading Tesla CEO Again Fraudulently Promotes Dangerous FSD as Safe for Drunk Driving

WaPo Warns of “Veered” FSD Crash and Burn: Tesla Employee First Victim

1) The witness and barely-surviving passenger in a Tesla very clearly stated (based on 911 dispatch recordings and interviews) that the owner had FSD controlling the car when it crashed and killed him. Rossiter, who survived the crash, told emergency responders that von Ohain was using an “auto-drive feature on the Tesla” that “just ran … Continue reading WaPo Warns of “Veered” FSD Crash and Burn: Tesla Employee First Victim