American Cowboy Hat True Origins: The Mexican Sombrero

True West magazine alleges that the cowboy hat was a product of shameless appropriation — white immigrants stealing everything they could from Mexicans. As Texian cattlemen appropriated Mexican cattle and land, they adopted elements of the vaquero’s working attire. Modern buckaroos throughout the Southwest inherited much of their forebearers’ culture, including their name—an imprecise rendering … Continue reading American Cowboy Hat True Origins: The Mexican Sombrero

Facebook Profits From Killing American Children

Advertising for domestic terror groups is a profit center for Facebook, implicated in mass murder by “great replacement” (e.g. white insecurity) extremism. Media Matters gives a simple explanation: …white supremacist “great replacement” conspiracy theory that reportedly inspired the latest mass shooting in Buffalo, New York, helping to mainstream the hateful theory. In our latest study, … Continue reading Facebook Profits From Killing American Children

Tesla Safety Negligence Finally Goes to Court: “Sore Thumb” of American Roads

Quality of Tesla vehicles has been notoriously bad for years, and has been trending worse, which should be little surprise given how poorly it treats human life (from its workers and its customers to anyone in or around their product). Now top experts in automobile safety, who finally are getting some attention, aren’t mincing words … Continue reading Tesla Safety Negligence Finally Goes to Court: “Sore Thumb” of American Roads

Good 1964: “Speculations Concerning the First Ultraintelligent Machine”

Irving John Good was giving talks in 1962 and 1963 on artificial intelligence, which he turned into a now famous paper called “Speculations Concerning the First Ultraintelligent Machine”. As he put it at the time: Based on talks given in a Conference on the Conceptual Aspects of Biocommunications, Neuropsychiatric Institute, University of California, Los Angeles, … Continue reading Good 1964: “Speculations Concerning the First Ultraintelligent Machine”