Angry FBI Agent Attacks Traffic Police to Avoid Parking Ticket

This is such a bizarre story from NYC for many reasons. First, a purportedly undercover agent jumps out from a Jeep Cherokee parked in a bus stop and generates a huge scene drawing widespread attention. What? How could anyone be any worse at avoiding observation? Second, excessive physical force over a parking ticket deserves serious … Continue reading Angry FBI Agent Attacks Traffic Police to Avoid Parking Ticket

Red Means Dead: U.S. Political Affiliation Correlated to Disease

The U.S. Center for Disease Control (CDC) has published data showing a large political party is killing its members like a primitive cult drinking Jel Sert’s Flavor Aid. Can you guess which one? Here is a clue from ABC. “…the 10 states with the highest vaccination rates all voted for Biden in 2020, while nine … Continue reading Red Means Dead: U.S. Political Affiliation Correlated to Disease

Tesla Safety Fail: “Full Self Driving” Can’t Read Even Basic Traffic Signals

I just got off the phone with a technology reporter for a major newspaper, where I was asked about the risks of facial recognition. That’s a deep topic, since crime using faces (deepfakes, impersonation) can apply to almost anything (fraud/theft, racism, classicism). However, I ended the call by warning about even broader risks in recognition … Continue reading Tesla Safety Fail: “Full Self Driving” Can’t Read Even Basic Traffic Signals