Tesla ChipGate: Shell Game With NVidia Sends Auditors Scrambling to Follow Cashflow

Several people have asked me to comment on the financial shenanigans behind the news about Tesla chip orders ($500 million in H100) being redirected to another company instead. …Musk presented an exaggerated picture of Tesla’s procurement to shareholders. Correspondence from Nvidia staffers also indicates that Musk diverted a sizable shipment of AI processors that had … Continue reading Tesla ChipGate: Shell Game With NVidia Sends Auditors Scrambling to Follow Cashflow

Tesla Owner Warns FSD 12.4 is Unsafe, Unusable, Worst Ever

Tesla has made a series of catastrophic management decisions that have rendered its “automation” hardware and software the worst in the industry. Removing radar and lidar sensors to leave only low grade cameras and repeatedly forcing qualified staff into dead-ends then replacing them with entry-level ones who wouldn’t disagree with their CEO… shouldn’t have been … Continue reading Tesla Owner Warns FSD 12.4 is Unsafe, Unusable, Worst Ever

Porsche Stock Exhaust Cheat Repeatedly Fails Basic Test of Noise Pollution Laws

Porsche owners have poured toxins into the air for decades, with little to no liability to those harmed. Now a groundbreaking enforcement of pollution laws seems to be honing in on noise, rather than the other forms of pollution. Fitted with sensitive microphones, the $35,000 cameras detect and capture everything from loud exhausts and backfires … Continue reading Porsche Stock Exhaust Cheat Repeatedly Fails Basic Test of Noise Pollution Laws