Unsafe by Design: More and More Teslas Catch on Fire

There have been hundreds of fires claimed due to Tesla cars, as many as 300 estimated. That’s incredible in itself. For context the Ford Pinto allegedly had a tiny fraction of that number yet caused international outrage. More to the point, there are now at least 32 recorded fatalities due to Tesla fires (Update only … Continue reading Unsafe by Design: More and More Teslas Catch on Fire

Tesla Safety Negligence Finally Goes to Court: “Sore Thumb” of American Roads

Quality of Tesla vehicles has been notoriously bad for years, and has been trending worse, which should be little surprise given how poorly it treats human life (from its workers and its customers to anyone in or around their product). Now top experts in automobile safety, who finally are getting some attention, aren’t mincing words … Continue reading Tesla Safety Negligence Finally Goes to Court: “Sore Thumb” of American Roads

Twitter as Bully Pulpit: “political right enjoys higher amplification compared to the political left”

A report from December 2021 factors into the reasons political right groups pushed Elon Musk to take over Twitter and privatize it to help them silence the political left: Politicians and commentators from all sides allege that Twitter’s algorithms amplify their opponents’ voices, or silence theirs. Policy makers and researchers have thus called for increased … Continue reading Twitter as Bully Pulpit: “political right enjoys higher amplification compared to the political left”

Red Means Dead: U.S. Political Affiliation Correlated to Disease

The U.S. Center for Disease Control (CDC) has published data showing a large political party is killing its members like a primitive cult drinking Jel Sert’s Flavor Aid. Can you guess which one? Here is a clue from ABC. “…the 10 states with the highest vaccination rates all voted for Biden in 2020, while nine … Continue reading Red Means Dead: U.S. Political Affiliation Correlated to Disease