Criminal Charges: German Tesla in “Veered” Head-on Collision

A German news report says a Tesla tragically veered head-on into an oncoming car. Den Fahrer des Tesla erwartet nun ein Strafverfahren wegen fahrlässiger Körperverletzung bei einem Verkehrsunfall. Negligent (fahrlässiger). The Tesla driver now faces criminal proceedings for causing negligent bodily harm in a traffic accident. You can clearly see in the photo from the … Continue reading Criminal Charges: German Tesla in “Veered” Head-on Collision

Unsafe by Design: Meta Quest VR Headsets Are a Sales Disaster

Microsoft DOS was a horrible, terrible, awful product from the 1980s. Why? It was a single-user product. If more than one user tried to use the system, it couldn’t distinguish them apart, let alone offer them a safe sharing environment (e.g. privacy). Few realize that all of Wal-Mart stupidly ran retail sales using DOS (instead … Continue reading Unsafe by Design: Meta Quest VR Headsets Are a Sales Disaster