Tesla Hacker Exposes Design Failure Causing Sudden Unintended Acceleration (SUA)

Hey there, folks! It’s time to drive headfirst into the big ol’ mess involving an embattled and disgraced electric vehicle manufacturer known as Tesla. Accusations are flying left and right, claiming that their cars are zooming off uncontrollably, leading to some seriously large funeral bills. But as we dig into the nitty-gritty, it seems like … Continue reading Tesla Hacker Exposes Design Failure Causing Sudden Unintended Acceleration (SUA)

South Africa Opens Investigation Into “Lady R” Arms Shipment to Russia

As much as South Africa has angrily protested foreign intelligence for exposing suspected arms shipments by Transmorflot Russia’s Lady R (Turkish built and formerly a Roll-On/Roll-Off Car Carrier SLOMAN PRODUCER)… the latest move to appoint an internal investigation has exposed large domestic disputes about global identity. …President will appoint a judge (retired) to investigate this … Continue reading South Africa Opens Investigation Into “Lady R” Arms Shipment to Russia