Scientific Discovery Forces Historians to Rethink 1933 Reichstag Fire

Nobody really, truly believed a “severely impaired” (couldn’t see in right or left eye) and basically ignorant loner such as the Dutch Van der Lubbe could have burned an entire German government building down quickly and single-handedly. The Communists had thrown him out of the party and denied even a basic role. He was fired … Continue reading Scientific Discovery Forces Historians to Rethink 1933 Reichstag Fire

2023 Biography of Marian Rejewski: “The First Enigma Codebreaker”

A management professor at WSB University in Bydgoszcz, Poland has published an impressive biography of the amazing codebreaker Marian Rejewski. We are very fortunate since Rejewski largely has been completely ignored by Americans and British who have fixated and over-sensationalized another man (Alan Turing). The First Enigma Codebreaker: Marian Rejewski Who Passed the Baton to … Continue reading 2023 Biography of Marian Rejewski: “The First Enigma Codebreaker”

Tesla Hacked: Hardware Security Flaws Revealed

Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai has a scoop at TechCrunch on the German kids breaking Tesla because it’s so unfortunately easy. Christian Werling, one of the three students at Technische Universität Berlin who conducted the research along with another independent researcher, said that their attack requires physical access to the car, but that’s exactly the scenario where their … Continue reading Tesla Hacked: Hardware Security Flaws Revealed

UT Tesla Kills Three in Massive Fire After “Veered” Crash Into Tree

Another day, another Tesla has burned its passengers alive after a veered crash into a tree. You’re looking at a tree completely knocked off its roots. Investigators say they found the bodies after putting the fire out, reiterating the fatal flaw with Tesla’s poorly designed door controls. As commenters have pointed out many times, the … Continue reading UT Tesla Kills Three in Massive Fire After “Veered” Crash Into Tree