“All Show No Go” Truck Fiasco is a Monument to the Fraud of Tesla

In 2019 we all watched the sleazy car salesman tactics get 250,000 people to pay $100 for nothing. Worse than nothing, they paid for the promise of a “tough” truck that immediately was revealed as fragile. You may remember LEGO cleverly mocked this slime spectacle with what seemed to be a far superior toy truck … Continue reading “All Show No Go” Truck Fiasco is a Monument to the Fraud of Tesla

Deception From a BlackHat Conference Keynote About Regulating AI

One note from this years’ typical out-of-tune “BlackHat” festivities in Las Vegas has struck a particularly dissonant chord — a statement that regulators habitually trail behind the currents of innovation. A main stage speaker expressed strange sentiment and stood in contrast to the essence of good regulation itself, which strives to act as an anticipatory … Continue reading Deception From a BlackHat Conference Keynote About Regulating AI

Suspicious Errors and Omissions in Inflection’s Generative PI.AI Privacy Policy and TOS

I was asked to have a look at the generative AI site of PI.AI and right away noticed something didn’t flow right. The most prominent thing on that page to my eye is this rather agressive phrase: By messaging Pi, you are agreeing to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. It’s like meeting a … Continue reading Suspicious Errors and Omissions in Inflection’s Generative PI.AI Privacy Policy and TOS

The Mystery Second Plane of Yevgeny Prigozhin That Didn’t Crash

Two identical private jets took off, one returned and landed while the other lay in smoldering ruins. Yevgeny Prigozhin was said to be on board… one of them. This detail popped into my head as I read the MI6 quote to the Independent. [Putin is] making clear to everyone inside and outside of Russia that … Continue reading The Mystery Second Plane of Yevgeny Prigozhin That Didn’t Crash